Fund Info Archive
2025 Fund Information
Annual physical required to lower deductible in 2025 under Blue Cross Self-Funded Plan options
In 2023, the Board of Trustees instituted an annual physical exam requirement for those on the self-funded medical plans offered by the Automotive Industries Welfare Plan in order to receive a lower calendar-year deductible.
The deductible amounts are now in place for the 2024 calendar year but participants and their spouse or domestic partner (if applicable), who get an annual physical exam anytime in 2024 will be moved to the lower deductible level in the 2025 calendar year along with all dependent children.
The physical exam can be taken any time before December 31, 2024 and requires the Plan’s certification form to be sent to the Trust Fund Office. Physical Exam certification forms are available to download at the Trust Fund website at A separate form must be submitted for you and your spouse or domestic partner (if applicable) to reduce your deductible for the 2025 calendar year.
If you have questions about what current deductible level you are in, please contact the Trust Fund Office at 800-635-3105 or by email at
On disability? Submit your claim form on time with all required information
Contracts that have negotiated the Short Term Disability benefit available through the Welfare Plan will provide up to 80% of your hourly wage when combined with your State Disability or Workers’ Compensation payments.
If you need to file a claim with the Trust Fund Office, make sure you have provided all the required information with your claim form. Missing or incomplete information will cause a delay in your receiving weekly payments from the Plan. Any and all questions can be answered by contacting the Trust Fund Office at (800) 635-3105 before you submit your claim. You can also submit questions by email to
Your Rights and Protections Against Surprise Medical Bills
Effective January 1, 2022, the No Surprises Act went into effect. This law prohibits medical providers from “balance billing” you when you get emergency care or get treated by an-out of-network provider at an in-network hospital or ambulatory surgical center.
“Surprise billing” is an unexpected balance bill. This can happen when you can’t control who is involved in your care—like when you have an emergency or when you schedule a visit at an in-network facility but are unexpectedly treated by an out-of-network provider.
You are protected from balance billing for:
• Emergency services: If you have an emergency medical condition and get emergency services from an out-of-network provider or facility, the most the provider or facility may bill you is your plan’s in-network cost-sharing amount (such as co-payments and co-insurance). You can’t be balance billed for these emergency services. This includes services you may get after you’re in stable condition unless you give written consent and give up your protections not to be balanced billed for these post-stabilization services.
• Certain services at an in-network hospital or ambulatory surgical center: When you get services from an in-network hospital or ambulatory surgical center, certain providers there may be out-of-network. In these cases, the most those providers may bill you is your plan’s in-network cost-sharing amount. This applies to emergency medicine, anesthesia, pathology, radiology, laboratory, neonatology, assistant surgeon, hospitalist, or intensivist services. These providers can’t balance bill you and may not ask you to give up your protections not to be balance billed.
You’re never required to give up your protections from balance billing. You also aren’t required to get care out-of-network. You can choose a provider or facility in your plan’s network. If you believe you’ve been wrongly billed, you may contact the Automotive Industries Welfare Plan at 800-635-3105, by email at, or by visiting for assistance. Visit for more information about your rights under federal law.
Pension plan searching for former participants
Currently, approximately 2,000 current or former union members who are entitled to receive pension payments under the Automotive Industries Pension Plan have not applied for their money. If you know someone who used to work in the industry during the 1970s or 1980s, is over age 65, and is not receiving a pension payment from the Trust Fund, they could be missing out on monthly payments from the Plan. Have them contact the Trust Fund Office at 800-635-3105 for a review of their work history to see if they are eligible.
Have issues?
The Member Assistance Program can help with many life-related stresses, including relationships, work issues, grieving, bankruptcy, depression, real estate and so much more. Call the number below for confidential services and referrals.
2024 Fund Information
Annual physical required to lower deductible in 2025 under Blue Cross Self-Funded Plan options
In 2023, the Automotive Industries (AI) Board of Trustees instituted an annual physical exam requirement so that those on self-funded medical plans offered by the AI Welfare Plan can receive a lower calendar year deductible. The deductible amounts are now in place for the 2024 calendar year, but participants and their spouse or domestic partner (if applicable) who get an annual physical exam anytime in 2024 will be moved to the lower deductible level in the 2025 calendar year, along with all dependent children.
The physical exam can be taken any time before the end of the 2024 Calendar Year (December 31) and requires the Plan’s certification form be sent to the Trust Fund Office.
Physical Exam certification forms are available to download at the Trust Fund website at A separate form must be submitted for you and your spouse or domestic partner (if applicable) to reduce your deductible for the 2025 calendar year.
If you have questions about what current deductible level you are in, please contact the Trust Fund Office at 800-635-3105 or by email at
Need glasses? Use Vision Service Plan (VSP)
Collective bargaining agreements that include vison benefits under the welfare plan are provided exclusively by Vision Service Plan (VSP). The plan has contracted with VSP for many years because of their extensive network of providers. The vision plan will cover the following services for members:
- Exam every 24 months
- Lenses and frames every 24 months.
- $25 Exam Copay ($60 Copay for contact lens exam)
- $130 Frame Allowance
- $130 Elective Contact Lens Allowance
You can locate a VSP provider by going to VSP also provides an online option for ordering glasses and virtual try-on tools at
HRA debit card confirmation letters – Why are these being mailed by the Trust Fund?
If you utilize an HRA Debit Card with your medical benefits, you probably have received a letter from the Trust Fund Office asking for additional information on services that were charged to the card. The question most asked about these letters is, “Do I really have to send the information requested into the Fund Office?”
The letter is known as a “substantiation letter” and it is being sent by the Trust Fund Office because the IRS requires the Welfare Plan to verify that all charges and purchases made using the HRA card were for an eligible medical expense (as defined by the IRS). Substantiation letters are not generated for all card transactions. They are usually generated when the amount that is paid through the card does not match the plan information.
Information that is being confirmed is:
- Service Date or Purchase Date
- Description of Service/Item Purchase
- Name of Provider/Merchant
- Claim Amount
As a participant in the Plan, you are required to complete the substantiation letter and provide documents that will confirm the information required by the IRS. In most cases, the Explanation of Benefits (EOB) from the medical provider or HMO will be enough information to fulfill the substantiation letter requirements.
If you have any questions about the letters or the documentation that needs to be provided, please call the Trust Office.
Pension plan searching for former participants
Currently, approximately 2,000 current or former union members who are entitled to receive pension payments under the Automotive Industries Pension Plan have not applied for their money. If you know someone who used to work in the industry during the 1970s or 1980s, is over age 65, and is not receiving a pension payment from the Trust Fund, they could be missing out on a monthly payment from the Plan. Have them contact the Trust Fund Office at 800-635-3105 for a review of their work history to see if they are eligible.
Have issues?
The Member Assistance Program can help with many life-related stresses, including relationships, work issues, grieving, bankruptcy, depression, real estate and so much more. Call the number below for confidential services and referrals.
(Use code: AUTOMOTIVE)
Pension Plan 2023 Year End Tax Documents
The Trust Fund Office will be mailing the Pension Plan 2023 1099-R Tax Forms no later than January 31, 2024, to all retirees receiving monthly pension payments.
After January 31, 2024 the 1099-R Tax Forms will also be available on the Trust Fund website at and can be downloaded or printed directly from the website. If you don’t already have access to the website, creating an online account is simple and takes just a few minutes to complete. Visit for details on how to create an account so that you can review your benefit information.
Your rights and protections against surprise medical bills
Effective January 1, 2022, the No Surprises Act went into effect. This law prohibits medical providers from “balance billing” you when you get emergency care or get treated by an out-of-network provider at an in-network hospital or ambulatory surgical center. “Surprise billing” is an unexpected balance bill. This can happen when you can’t control who is involved in your care—like when you have an emergency or when you schedule a visit at an in-network facility but are unexpectedly treated by an out-ofnetwork provider.
You are protected from balance billing for:
Emergency services
If you have an emergency medical condition and get emergency services from an out-of-network provider or facility, the most the provider or facility may bill you is your plan’s in-network cost-sharing amount (such as copayments and coinsurance). You can’t be balance billed for these emergency services. This includes services you may get after you’re in stable condition unless you give written consent and give up your protections not to be balanced billed for these post-stabilization services.
Certain services at an in-network hospital or ambulatory surgical center
When you get services from an in-network hospital or ambulatory surgical center, certain providers there may be out-of-network. In these cases, the most those providers may bill you is your plan’s in-network cost-sharing amount. This applies to emergency medicine, anesthesia, pathology, radiology, laboratory, neonatology, assistant surgeon, hospitalist, or intensivist services. These providers can’t balance bill you and may not ask you to give up your protections not to be balance billed.
You’re never required to give up your protections from balance billing. You also aren’t required to get care out-of-network. You can choose a provider or facility in your plan’s network. If you believe you’ve been wrongly billed, you may contact the Automotive Industries Welfare Plan at (800) 635-3105, by email at, or by visiting for assistance. Visit for more information about your rights under federal law.
The Member Assistance Program can help with many life related stresses
The Trustees of the Automotive Industries Welfare Fund partnered with Uprise Health to provide an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and a Legal/Financial Program (LFP). These resources can help you resolve personal problems in the early stages.
Uprise Health offers a confidential support service and referral program. It is designed to help you and your family with personal issues such as:
• Stress
• Parenting
• Aging
• Grief/Loss
• Anxiety
• Relationships
• Family
• Marriage
• Work Issues
• Alcohol/Drug
• Finances
• Depression
• Adoption
• Estate Planning
• Bankruptcy
• Immigration
• Child Custody
• Real Estate
• Criminal Issues
• Tenant’s Rights
• Divorce
Customer Care Professionals will help you find the right resources and services including counselors, legal representatives, and financial professionals who can provide counseling sessions, coordinate the appropriate treatment, and provide referrals if needed. Office hours are from 6 am to 5pm PST. After hours calls will be returned the following day. Crisis support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The services provided under the EAP and LFP program are 100% confidential and are at no cost to your or your dependents. For more information or to get assistance in making an appointment, call Uprise Health at 1-888-690 1349 or visit using the AUTOMOTIVE as the access code.
Reminder: Pension plan searching for former participants
The Automotive Industries Pension Plan currentlyvhas approximately 2,000 participants who are entitled to receive a pension payment under the plan but have not made an application for their money. If you know someone who used to work in the industry during the 1970’s or 1980’s, is over age 65 and is not receiving a pension payment from the Trust Fund, they could be missing out on a monthly payment from the plan. Have them contact the Trust Fund Office at 800-635-3105 for a review of their work history to see if they are eligible.
2023 Fund Information
Annual Physical Required to Keep Lower Deductible in 2024 Under Blue Cross Self- Funded Plan Options
The Board of Trustees lowered the annual calendar year deductible for all Participants enrolled in a Blue Cross Self-Funded Plan Option for the 2023 calendar year. A condition of keeping the deductible at the lower level is that the participant and the participant’s dependent spouse or domestic partner obtain a routine physical exam sometime in the calendar year 2023. Depending on your Plan, your deductible will change as outlined in the chart below if you and your spouse or domestic partner do not receive routine physical exams. If you and your spouse haven’t completed a wellness exam, you must do so by December 31, 2023. A separate form must be submitted for you and your spouse or domestic partner (if applicable) to reduce your deductible for the calendar year 2024. You can download the certification form by visiting
Special Financial Assistance FAQs are now available
Now that the Automotive Industries Pension Plan has received over $1 Billion in Special Financial Assistance (SFA) through the American Rescue Plan Act, there are many questions that you may have about the money received and what it will mean for the Plan. At the direction of the Trustees, a set of Asked Questions (FAQs) has been published and is now available online. The list of FAQs will not answer every question about the SFA funding received, but they will explain the basics of the SFA program, why the Plan received the money, and how it will affect all members who have a benefit with the Pension Plan. The FAQs are available at
On Disability? Submit Your Claim Form On Time and With All Required Information
Contracts that have negotiated the Short Term Disability benefit available through the Welfare Plan will provide up to 80% of your hourly wage when combined with your state disability or workers’ compensation payments. If you need to file a claim with the Trust Fund Office, make sure to provide all the required information with your claim form. Missing or incomplete information will cause a delay in your receiving weekly payments from the Plan. If you have questions, contact the Trust Fund Office at 8 0 0 – 6 3 5 – 3105 or by email at AISupport@ before you submit your claim.
Pension plan searching for former participants
The Automotive Industries Pension Plan currently has approximately 2,000 participants who are entitled to receive a pension payment under the Plan but have not made an application for their money. If you know someone who used to work in the industry during the 1970s or 1980s, is over age 65, and is not receiving a pension payment from the Trust Fund, they could be missing out on a monthly payment from the Plan. Have them contact the Trust Fund Office at 800.635.3105 for a review of their work history to see if they are eligible.
Employer contribution rates for welfare benefits will receive modest increases for first time in three years
The employer contribution rates for all welfare plan benefits (medical, prescription, dental, orthodontic, vision, life insurance and short-term disability) are reviewed annually by the Trustees. Due to the unfavorable claims experience of both the self-funded Blue Cross and Kaiser HMO options over the past year, the Trustees made the decision to increase the welfare rates charged to employers starting September 1, 2023.
The rates for the medical plan were increased approximately 5% across all plan options (Plan A, Plan B, Plan C, and Plan K). However, in order to keep the overall costs down for the employer and participants, the ancillary benefits such as dental, vision, orthodontia, life insurance, and short-term disability saw little to no increase from the prior year rates.
Your health benefits are negotiated between the Union and your employer. If you are unsure what medical plan you have been negotiated into, please refer to the collective bargaining agreement covering your employment or contact the Trust Fund Office at 800-635-3105 for this information.
The national emergency and public health emergency for COVID-19 has ended
Changes in COVID-19-related benefits and administrative deadlines have resulted from the declared end of the national public health emergency that took place on May 11, 2023. Consequently, the plan rules concerning coverage of certain benefits related to COVID-19 changed for services incurred on or after May 12, 2023. In general, the special rules that got put into effect during the emergency period have been terminated and benefits are now covered under the usual cost-sharing provisions of the Fund. This includes COVID-19 vaccines, office visits, emergency room visits, home test kit reimbursement, and co-payment waivers.
In addition to those changes, there are also certain administrative time frames that returned to normal after the end of the National Emergency. These include extension of administrative deadlines of COBRA, HIPAA enrollment periods, submission of benefit claims, and appeals. Details can about these changes can be found on the Trust Fund website at
Need Glasses?
Use Vision Service Plan (VSP) Collective bargaining agreements that include vison benefits under the welfare plan are provided exclusively by Vision Service Plan (VSP). The plan has contracted through VSP for many years because of their extensive network of providers.
The vision plan will cover the following services for members:
• Exam every 24 months
• Lenses and Frames every 24 months.
• $25 Exam Copay ($60 Copay for contact lens exam)
• $130 Frame Allowance
• $130 Elective Contact Lens Allowance
You can locate a VSP provider by going to VSP also provides an online option for ordering glasses and virtual try-on tools at
The Member Assistance Program Can Help With Many Life Related Stresses
Even though the pandemic has been declared over, the numbers of cases of people with depression and anxiety along with a host of other mental health issues continue to rise. The Trustees of the Automotive Industries Welfare Fund have partnered with Uprise Health to provide an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and a Legal/Financial Program (LFP). These resources can help you resolve personal problems in the early stages.
Uprise Health offers a confidential support service and referral program. It is designed to help you and your family with personal issues such as:
• Stress
• Parenting
• Aging
• Grief/Loss
• Anxiety
• Relationships
• Family
• Marriage
• Work Issues
• Alcohol/Drug
• Finances
• Depression
• Adoption
• Estate Planning
• Bankruptcy
• Immigration
• Child Custody
• Real Estate
• Criminal Issues
• Tenant’s Rights
• Divorce
Customer Care Professionals will help you find the right resources and services including counselors, legal representatives, and financial professionals who can provide counseling sessions, coordinate the appropriate treatment, and provide referrals if needed. Office hours are from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. PST. After-hours calls will be returned the following day. Crisis support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The services provided under the EAP and LFP program are 100% confidential and are at no cost to your or your dependents. For more information or to get assistance in making an
appointment, call Uprise Health at 1-888-690- 1349 or visit using AUTOMOTIVE as the access code.
Pension plan searching for former participants
The Automotive Industries Pension Plan currently has approximately 2,000 participants who are entitled to receive a pension payment under the plan but have not made application for their money. If you know someone who used to work in the industry during the 1970’s or 1980’s, is over age 65 and is not receiving a pension payment from the Trust Fund, they could be missing out on a monthly payment from the plan.
Have them contact the Trust Fund Office at 800.635.3105 for a review of their work history to see if they are eligible.
COVID-19 national public health emergency to end
The National Public Health Emergency for COVID-19 is set to expire on May 11, 2023. This will impact some of the provisions of the medical plan that were implemented when the pandemic began in March 2020. The Trustees of the Welfare Plan are currently working with our healthcare consultant regarding the expiration of the National Public Health Emergency and will communicate any changes that will be made to the benefits due to the expiration.
Your rights and protections against surprise medical bills
Effective January 1, 2022, the No Surprises Act went into effect that prohibits medical providers from levying “surprise bills” (officially called balance- billing) when you get emergency care or get treated by an out-of-network provider at an in-network hospital or ambulatory surgical center. Getting an unexpected or “surprise” balance bill can happen when you can’t control who is involved in your care—like when you have an emergency or when you schedule a visit at an in-network facility but are unexpectedly treated by an out-of-network provider.
You are protected from balance billing for:
Emergency services: If you have an emergency medical condition and get emergency services from an out-of-network provider or facility, the maximum that the provider or facility may bill you is your plan’s in-network cost-sharing amount (such as copayments and coinsurance). You can’t be balance-billed for these emergency services. This includes services you may get after you’re in stable condition, unless you give written consent and give up your protections not to be balanced billed for these post-stabilization services.
Certain services at an in-network hospital or ambulatory surgical center: When you get services from an in-network hospital or ambulatory surgical center, certain providers there may be out-ofnetwork. In these cases, the most those providers may bill you is your plan’s in-network cost-sharing amount. This applies to emergency medicine, anesthesia, pathology, radiology, laboratory, neonatology, assistant surgeon, hospitalist, or intensivist services. These providers can’t balance-bill you and may not ask you to give up your protections not to be balance-billed.
You’re never required to give up your protections from balance-billing. You also are not required to get care out-of-network. You can choose a provider or facility in your plan’s network.
If you believe you’ve been wrongly billed, you may contact the Automotive Industries Welfare Plan at 800-635-3105, by email at, or by visiting for assistance. Visit for more information about your rights under federal law.
Update your life insurance beneficiary
You can name anyone to be the beneficiary of your life insurance benefit under the Welfare Plan. Over time, your choice of beneficiary may have changed. The Plan recommends that you review your beneficiaries on a regular basis to make sure you named the correct person to receive the benefit. You can review your beneficiary online through the Trust Funds website at Enrollment forms are also available on the site if you need to update your beneficiary.
Reminder: Pension plan searching for former participants
The Automotive Industries Pension Plan currently has approximately 2,000 participants who are entitled to receive a pension payment under the Plan but have not made application for their money. If you know someone who used to work in the industry during the 1970’s or 1980’s, is over age 65 and is not receiving a pension payment from the Trust Fund, they could be missing out a monthly payment from the Plan. Have them contact the Trust Fund Office at 800-635-3105 for a review of their work history to see if they are eligible.
Automotive Industries Pension Plan: Special Financial Assistance Update
The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) was signed into law on March 11, 2021. One of the main provisions of ARPA is the “Special Financial Assistance Program for Financially Troubled Multi-Employer Plans,” which will provide funding to troubled pension plans so they can pay their benefit obligations to their participants through the plan year ending in 2051.
The Trustees of the Automotive Industries Pension Plan have been informed by the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) that the Plan has been placed into Priority Group 6. This is good news because Priority Group 6 will allow the Plan to submit our application for funding relief in March 2023.
The Trustees are currently working with their actuary and other professionals in preparing the application and the required information for submission in March 2023. The ARPA special financial assistance program is administered by the PBGC and funded by the Treasury’s general revenue. The PBGC will have 120 days from the date of submission to review and approve the application. We will continue to provide you with updates on the progress of the application process as more information becomes available.
Pension Plan 2022 Year-End Tax Documents
The Trust Fund Office will be mailing the Pension Plan 2022 1099-R Tax Forms no later than January 31, 2023, to all retirees receiving monthly pension payments. If you have moved in the last year, please make sure your address is updated with the Trust Fund Office before December 31, 2022.
After January 31, 2023, the 1099-R Tax Forms will also be available on the Trust Fund website at and can be downloaded or printed directly from the website. If you don’t already have access to the website, creating an online account is simple and takes minutes to complete. Visit for details on how to create an account so that you can review your benefit information.
Your Rights and Protections Against Surprise Medical Bills
Effective January 1, 2022, the “No Surprises Act” went into effect. A surprise medical bill (also called a “balance bill”) occurs when you go to a health care facility, like a hospital or a lab in your plan’s network, and end up with a doctor who is not in your plan’s network and you are charged more than you would have to pay for an in-network doctor. A surprise medical bill can also happen if you are taken to a non-contracted facility in an emergency, and the facility bills you for the remaining balance for the services you got that were not covered by your health plan.
This new law ensures that you are protected from balance/surprise billing for emergency services. If you have an emergency medical condition and get emergency services from an out-of-network provider or facility, the most the provider or facility may bill you is your plan’s in-network cost-sharing amount (such as co-payments and coinsurance). You can’t be balance billed for these emergency services. This includes services you may get after you’re in stable condition unless you give written consent and give up your protections not to be balance billed for these post-stabilization services.
When you get services from an in-network hospital or ambulatory surgical center, certain providers there may be out-of-network. In these cases, the most those providers may bill you is your plan’s in-network cost-sharing amount. This applies to emergency medicine, anesthesia, pathology, radiology, laboratory, neonatology, assistant surgeon, hospitalist, or intensive services. These providers can’t balance bill you and may not ask you to give up your protections not to be balance billed.
You’re never required to give up your protections from balance billing. You also aren’t required to get care out-of-network. You can choose a provider or facility in your plan’s network. If you believe you’ve been wrongly billed, you may contact the Automotive Industries Welfare Plan at (800) 635-3105, by email at, or by visiting for assistance. Visit for more information about your rights under federal law.
Reminder: Pension Plan Searching for Former Participants
The Automotive Industries Pension Plan currently has approximately 2,000 participants who are entitled to receive a pension payment under the Plan but have not made an application for their money. If you know someone who used to work in the industry during the 1970s or 1980s, is over age 65, and is not receiving a pension payment from the Trust Fund, they could be missing out on a monthly payment from the Plan. Have them contact the Trust Fund Office at 800-635-3105 for a review of their work history to see if they are eligible.
2022 Fund Information
Automotive Industries Pension Plan: Special Financial Assistance Update
The Trustees of the Automotive Industries Pension Plan have been monitoring the Special Financial Assistance Program for Financially Troubled Multiemployer Plans since the American Recovery Plan Act (ARPA) was signed into law on March 11, 2021. The Trustees met in September 2022 with the Plan’s actuary to review the requirements of the program in preparation for making the filing that will enable the government to shore up the union’s pension plan. The date the Plan will be allowed to file its application is expected to be sometime in the first quarter of 2023.
No Increase to Employer Contribution Rates for Welfare Benefits
The employer contribution rates for all Welfare Plan benefits (medical, prescription, dental, orthodontic, vision, life insurance and short-term disability) are reviewed annually by the Trustees and are updated in September of each year. Due to the favorable cost experience of the plan over the past year, the Trustees have determined that there will be no increase in the employer contribution rates for the upcoming rate period. If you have a contract that requires cost sharing of welfare benefits, there will be no change to your cost sharing portion for the rate period of September 2022 – August 2023.
Vision Service Plan (VSP)
Collective bargaining agreements that include vison benefits under the welfare plan are provided exclusively by Vision Service Plan (VSP). The plan has contracted through VSP for many years because of their extensive network of providers. The vision plan will cover the following services for members:
- Exam every 24 months
- Lenses and Frames every 24 months
- $25 Exam Copay ($60 Copay for contact lens exam)
- $130 Frame Allowance
- $130 Elective Contact Lens Allowance
You can locate a VSP provider by going to www. VSP also provides an online option for ordering glasses and virtual try-on tools at
Employee Assistance Program Services Available Online
HMC HealthWorks is providing all Employee Assistance Program (EAP) services for eligible employees and their dependents. The EAP is a resource to help those enrolled in medical coverage through the fund to address a broad range of personal difficulties that may be causing distress. The EAP offers up to three (3) professional, confidential counseling sessions per employee per incident with a network of professionals including licensed psychologists, social workers, and marriage and family therapists. In addition, legal/financial advice and eldercare/childcare advice is offered. These confidential counseling services are free, with no deductible, copay, or coinsurance. HMC HealthWorks can be reached online at and using the Access Code: AUTOMOTIVE. They can also be reached by calling 888.690.1349.
Pension Plan searching for former participants
The Automotive Industries Pension Plan currently has approximately 2,000 participants who are entitled to receive a pension payment under the plan but have not made application for their money. If you know someone who used to work in the industry during the 1970’s or 1980’s, is over age 65 and is not receiving a pension payment from the trust fund, they could be missing out on a monthly payment from the plan. Have them contact the Trust Fund Office at 800-635-3105 for a review of their work history to see if they are eligible.
Reminder: Trust Fund Office Virtual Appointments Available
The Trust Fund Office at Health Services & Benefit Administrators in Dublin, CA continues to offer virtual appointments so members can ask one on one questions with a benefit analyst regarding their medical and pension benefits provided by their collective bargaining agreement. Appointments can be scheduled directly through the Trust Fund webpage at . Click on the “Contact Us” icon on the home page and follow the instructions under the “Virtual Appointments” section to set up your appointment.
Assistance with Stress is Available Through Uprise Health
The pandemic and dramatic changes within the workforce have fueled already rising numbers of depression and anxiety along with a host of other mental health issues. The rate of mental health disturbances among adults has increased fourfold since 2019. For younger adults, ages 18 to 24, the increase is even higher.
The Trustees of the Automotive Industries Welfare Fund have partnered with Uprise Health to provide an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and a Legal/Financial Program (LFP). These resources can help you resolve personal problems in the early stages.
Uprise Health offers a confidential support service and referral program. It is designed to help you and your family with personal issues such as:
Customer Care Professionals will help you find the right resources and services including counseling, legal representation, and financial expertise, helping you to line up counseling sessions, coordinate the appropriate treatment, and offer referrals if needed. Office hours are 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. PST. Afterhours calls will be returned the following day. Crisis support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The services provided under the EAP and LFP program are 100% confidential and are at no cost to your or your dependents. For more information or to get assistance in making an appointment, call Uprise Health at 1-888-690-1349 or visit using AUTOMOTIVE as the access code.
2021 Annual Funding Notice Mailing
The Trust Fund Office recently mailed out the Automotive Industries Pension Plan’s Annual Funding Notice (AFN) for the 2021 Plan Year. This notice provides information on the Plan’s funding levels and other information on the Pension Plan. The mailing is required by law and is mailed out to all participants on or around the last week of April. The Pension Plan has been certified to be in Critical and Declining Status for many years. The AFN mailed for 2022 showed that the Plan has a funding level of 51.9% as of December 31, 2021.
The Automotive Industry Pension Plan qualifies to receive funding relief from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) under the Special Financial Assistance Program. Under this program, eligible plans will receive funding from the Pension Benefit Guarantee Corp. (PBGC) that will enable the plans to keep paying current benefits to participants through 2051. The Trustees have authorized the actuary to make application to the PBGC when the Plan is allowed to apply for funding relief. The Trustees anticipate that the PBGC will allow them to file their application for the “Special Financial Assistance” sometime in the first quarter of 2023.
Reminder: Pension Plan Searching for Former Participants
The Automotive Industries Pension Plan currently has approximately 2,000 participants who are entitled to receive a pension payment under the Plan but have not made application for their money. If you know someone who used to work in the industry during the 1970s or 1980s, is over age 65, and is not receiving a pension payment from the Trust Fund, they could be missing out on a monthly payment from the Plan. Have them contact the Trust Fund Office at 800-635-3105 for a review of their work history to see if they are eligible.
2021 Fund Information
Employee Assistance Program Services Available Online
HMC HealthWorks is providing all Employee Assistance Program (EAP) services for eligible employees and their dependents.
The EAP is a resource to help those enrolled in medical coverage through the Fund to address a broad range of personal difficulties that may be causing distress. The EAP offers up to three (3) professional, confidential counseling sessions per employee per incident with a network of professionals including licensed psychologists, social workers, and marriage and family therapists. In addition, legal/financial advice and eldercare/childcare advice is offered. These confidential counseling services are free, with no deductible, copay, or coinsurance.
HMC HealthWorks can be reached online at and using the Access Code: AUTOMOTIVE. They can also be reached by calling 888-690-1349.
No Increase to Employer Contribution Rates for Welfare Benefits
The employer contribution rates for all Welfare Plan benefits (medical, prescription, dental, orthodontic, vision, life insurance, and short-term disability) are reviewed annually by the Trustees and are updated in September of each year.
Due to the favorable cost experience of the plan over the past year, the Trustees have determined that there will be no increase in the employer contribution rates for the upcoming rate period. If you have a contract that requires cost sharing of welfare benefits, there will be no change to your cost-sharing portion for the rate period of September 2021–August 2022.
Orthodontic Benefit to be Increased to $3,000 Effective January 1, 2022
Effective January 1, 2022, the benefit will be increased from the current benefit of $2,500 per lifetime to $3,000 per lifetime. The Orthodontic benefit is self-funded 100% by the Welfare Plan and administered through the Trust Fund Office. The benefit covers all related orthodontic services such as x-rays, photographs, tracing, study models, and banding—for children and adults.
Subsidized COBRA Available through September 30, 2021
The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) provides an employee who lost their job due to a COVID-related event a 100% subsidy of their COBRA premium. The COBRA election forms sent from the Trust Fund Office have been updated to include all the required forms to apply for this subsidy. A completed form must be submitted with your COBRA election in order to qualify for the subsidy.
If you have questions about the subsidy and if you qualify, please contact the Trust Fund Office at 800-635-3105.
Pension Plan Searching for Former Participants
The Automotive Industries Pension Plan currently has approximately 2,000 participants who are entitled to receive a pension payment under the Plan but have not made application for their money. If you know someone who used to work in the industry during the 1970s or 1980s, is over age 65 and is not receiving a pension payment from the Trust Fund, they could be missing out on a monthly payment from the Plan. Have them contact the Trust Fund Office at 800-635-3105 for a review of their work history to see if they are eligible.
Reminder: Trust Fund Office Still Closed for Walk-in Appointments
The Trust Fund Offices have been closed to walk-in appointments due to the COVID-19 pandemic. To service members effectively, the Trust Fund Office has made Zoom appointments available so you can talk directly with a staff member about your specific benefit questions. Please visit the Trust Fund webpage at and click on the “Contact Us” icon to set up your appointment.
Extended Election Period and Subsidized COBRA
The recently enacted American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) will allow for a 100% subsidy of COBRA continuation premiums effective April 1, 2021 through September 30, 2021. The subsidy applies to “assistance eligible individuals” who were eligible for continuation coverage during some or all of the subsidy period by having lost coverage because of a reduction of hours or involuntary termination of employment due to the COVID-19 pandemic. All members who lost coverage starting April 1, 2021 and forward will qualify for this subsidy.
The ARPA also requires the Welfare Plan to extend the COBRA election period to any COBRA-eligible individual that had a qualifying event effective November 1, 2019 to April 1, 2021. Qualifying members who lost coverage effective November 1, 2019 and did not elect COBRA continuation coverage will receive a notice from the Trust Fund Office that they qualify to elect COBRA effective April 1, 2021 and forward. If you feel you qualify for this special COBRA enrollment period or have any questions, please contact the Trust Fund Office at (800) 635-3105.
Blue Cross Self-Funded Plan Participants – Get an Annual Physical to Lower Your Deductible
If you are currently in the higher deductible level for your medical coverage under the Blue Cross Self-Funded plan, you can lower your deductible for the remainder of the calendar year 2021 by having an annual physical exam by your primary care physician. You must complete and submit an Exam Certification Form to the Trust Fund office. You can find the form under the Plan Documents & Forms section of the Trust Fund website at
The Trust Fund Office now offers Zoom appointments
The Trust Fund Office has been closed for walk-in appointments since March 17, 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Effective June 1, 2021, you will be able to make an appointment with the Trust Fund office through a Zoom video conference call. Appointments can be scheduled through the www. website, with appointments available M o n d a y – F r i d a y from 8:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m. You will receive a private one-onone appointment with a department staff member to discuss all Trust Fund business including medical coverage and eligibility, pension, COBRA, and disability.
2020 Annual Pension Statements
The Automotive Industries Pension Plan will be sending their annual statements to all participants that worked for a qualifying employer in the calendar year 2020. If you did not work in the calendar year 2020, you can review your prior year contributions and vesting status by visiting the Trust Fund website at
Pension plan funding relief under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021
As discussed on page 1, the American Rescue Plan Act provides for funding relief to Pension Plans in Critical and Declining Status, such as the Automotive Industries Pension Plan. Please be aware that the Trust Fund Office has no additional information about this funding relief or the process of applying for the funding relief, other than what is in the American Rescue Plan Act.
The Trust Fund Office will have no other information on this provision of the American Rescue Plan until the rules and regulations are sent out by the federal government in mid-July 2021.
New Employee Assistance Program Provider
The Board of Trustees has replaced Managed Health Network (MHN) with HMC HealthWorks as the new Employee Assistance Program (EAP) vendor for all employees. The new provider will begin offering services on or after April 1, 2021.
The EAP is a resource to help those enrolled in medical coverage through the Fund to address a broad range of personal difficulties that may be causing distress. The EAP offers up to three (3) professional, confidential counseling sessions per employee per incident, with a network of professionals including licensed psychologists, social workers, and marriage and family therapists. In addition, they can offer advice around legal/financial issues, as well as eldercare/childcare. These confidential counseling services are free, with no deductible, copay or coinsurance.
HMC HealthWorks will be sending additional information directly to participants on the services that can be provided, as well as a dedicated member portal that will have additional resources.
2020 Year End Tax Forms
Below is a listing of the 2020 Year-End tax forms that were mailed out by the Trust Fund Office to qualified participants as of January 31, 2021, as required by law.
- Automotive Industries Pension Plan – 1099-R
This form is distributed to all plan participants who are currently in pay status or who retired in the calendar year 2020 under the Automotive Industries Pension Plan. In addition to mailing these forms, all 1099-R Forms have been uploaded to every retiree’s individual account on the benefit website and can be printed directly from the site. Visit www. for details on how to obtain a copy electronically. (Prior year forms available through the website will be following IRS guidance and only provide truncated taxpayer identification numbers. However, the complete identification number will be provided to the IRS. This action is being taken to reduce the risk of identity theft.)
- Individual Account Retirement Pension Plan – 1099-R
This form is distributed to all participants who took a distribution from their Individual Account Retirement Pension Plan in the calendar year 2020.
- Automotive Industries Welfare Plan (Short Term Disability) – Form W-2
This form is distributed to all plan participants that received Short Term Disability payments from the Welfare Plan in the calendar year 2020. This form will not include any additional payments
- Automotive Industries Welfare Plan – Form 1095-B
This form is distributed to all plan participants that participated and received medical and prescription drug coverage under the plan in the calendar year 2020. If you were a member of the self-funded medical plan, you will receive this form from the Trust Fund Office. If you were a member of Kaiser, this form will be mailed directly from Kaiser.
Please contact the Trust Fund Office at 800-635- 3105 should you need any assistance receiving a duplicate copy of any of the above forms. Consult your tax professional if you have questions about what impact any of the above forms will have on your tax obligation for the calendar year 2020.
COVID-19 National Emergency Extended for Testing and Treatment Services
The declared National Emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic has been extended into April 2021 by the Department of Health and Human Services. This means that the coverage provided by the Plan for testing and medical treatment relating to COVID-19 have also been extended.
Services for COVID-19 testing provided at In-Network and Out-of-Network providers and facilities will continue to be covered at 100% of the allowed charges with no cost sharing to you or your eligible dependents.
Services for COVID-19 treatment provided at In-Network providers and facilities will continue to be covered at 100% of the allowed charges with no cost sharing to you or your eligible dependents.
Resources for the Blue Cross Plan and the Kaiser Medical Plan can be found on the Trust Fund website at
Visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for the latest information regarding the COVID-19 pandemic: 2019-ncov or the State of California’s COVID-19 webpage:
Good news chart for the 401K plan
Economies go up and down and that has a major impact on Fund returns. Long after a disastrous 2008 when investment income was negative $6 million, the fund came into 2021 with well over $10 million in growth, and the growth rate for the year was 13%.
Employer contributions are also significantly higher, going from about $4.3 million to over $7.3 million.
Here’s a quick review of the Fund’s history, based on audited financials (except for 2020, which has not yet been audited).
District celebrates 25th Anniversary of 401K Plan
Blue Cross Self-Funded Medical Plan Participants
Annual Wellness Program – Health Dynamics Testing Requirement Suspended for 2021 The Board of Trustees has made the decision to suspend the wellness program Health Dynamics testing requirement for the Calendar Year 2021 (January 1 – December 31).
If you are on the lower deductible plan effective December 31, 2020, there is no action to be taken. You will remain on the lower deductible plan for the Calendar Year 2021.
If you are on the higher deductible plan effective December 31, 2020, or became a new participant anytime in the calendar year 2020, you will have the opportunity to move your coverage to the lower deductible plan in the Calendar Year 2021 by having a routine physical exam performed. Only the member needs to have the routine exam, there is no requirement for the dependent spouse to receive an exam.
An Exam Certification Form will be mailed from the Trust Fund office toward the end of November and is also available on the Trust Fund Website Please note that due to the National Emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Trust Fund office will accept electronic signatures in lieu of physically signed forms. Forms received in the Trust Fund office on or before February 28, 2021, will have deductibles reduced for claims incurred on or after January 1, 2021. Forms received on or after March 1, 2021, will have deductibles reduced for claims incurred starting the first of the month the form was received by the Trust Fund Office.
Scheduling a Surgery? Remember to Verify Benefit Coverages and that All Providers are In-Network
Having surgery is a stressful event and fortunately, the Plan covers a wide range of surgery benefits for our members. However, it is important to check that all your providers, not just your surgeon, are in-network providers under the Plan. An in-network surgeon may have privileges at an out-of-network hospital or surgery center, which are covered at a much lower level than in-network providers. You should not assume that the doctor is automatically selecting an in-network facility. You will save yourself money and give yourself peace of mind by taking the time to confirm that each provider and facility is in-network.
You can access the Blue Cross Provider Network online at or you can call directly at 800-810-2583.
HRA Debit Card Confirmation Letters – Why is the Trust Fund mailing these?
If you utilize an HRA Debit Card with your medical benefits, you probably have received a letter from the Trust Fund Office asking for additional information on services that were charged to the card. The question most asked about these letters is, “Do I really have to send the information requested to the Trust Fund office?”
The letter is known as a “substantiation letter” and is being sent by the Trust Fund office because the IRS requires the Welfare Plan to verify if all charges and purchases made using the HRA card were for an eligible medical expense (as defined by the IRS). Substantiation letters are not generated for all card transactions. They are usually generated when the amount that is paid through the card does not match the Plan information. Information that is being confirmed is:
• Service Date or Purchase Date
• Description of Service/Item Purchase
• Name of Provider/Merchant
• Claim Amount
As a participant in the Plan, you are required to complete the substantiation letter and provide documents that will confirm the information required by the IRS. In most cases, the Explanation of Benefits (EOB) from the medical provider or HMO will be enough information to fulfill the substantiation letter requirements. If you have any questions about the letters or what documentation needs to be provided, please call the Trust Office.
2020 Retiree Tax Information
The Trust Fund Office will be mailing the Pension Plan 2020 1099-R Tax Forms no later than January 31, 2021, to all retirees receiving monthly pension payments. If you have moved in the last year, please make sure your address is updated with the Trust Fund Office before December 31, 2020.
After January 31, 2021, the 1099-R Tax Forms will also be available on the Trust Fund website at and can be downloaded or printed directly from the website. If you don’t already have access to the website, creating an online account is simple and takes minutes to complete. Visit for details on how to create an account so that you can review your benefit information.
Reminder: Keep Your Personal Information Updated at the Trust Fund Office
Always remember to update your personal information as soon as possible with the Trust Fund Office. Life events such as marriage, divorce, or the birth of a child are time-sensitive and could cause problems with your benefits if you don’t take the required action. All forms are located at the Trust Fund Website at Call the Trust Fund Office at 800-635-3105 if you have any questions or need help completing the forms.
2020 Fund Information
Welfare Plan Actions during COVID-19 (COVID-19) Pandemic
It has been six months since the COVID-19 (COVID-19) changed how we go about our daily lives. During this time, the Board of Trustees of the Automotive Industries Welfare and Pension Plans have continued to monitor the impact of the pandemic and have continued to provide relief for the members and dependents who rely on the Plans for benefits.
Blue Cross
The Blue Cross Direct Pay Plan will continue to have all testing for diagnosis of COVID-19 covered at 100% (both In-Network and Out-of-Network) and In-Network COVID-19 treatment covered at 100% until the National Emergency is declared over.
The Trustees have also extended the Co-payment waiver whenever Blue Cross LiveHealth Online telehealth services are used. The Co-payment is waived for all treatment, not just relating to COVID-19.
For participants who have elected coverage in the Kaiser medical plan, please visit for information on how Kaiser is assisting participants during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Important Resources
• Resources for the Blue Cross Plan and the Kaiser Medical Plan can be found on the Trust Fund website at
• Visit the Center to Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for the latest information regarding the COVID-19 pandemic or the State of California webpage dedicated to COVID-19 at
Individual Account Retirement Plan–COVID-19 Distributions
For all participants in the Automotive Industries Individual Account Retirement Plan, as of April 1, 2020, if you have been diagnosed with COVID-19 by a test approved by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), have a spouse or dependent who is diagnosed with COVID-19 by such test, or if you have experienced adverse financial consequences as a result of COVID-19, you may be able to take a distribution not to exceed the lesser of (i) 50% of your Individual Account balance, or (ii) $100,000. This temporary COVID-19 Distribution is available from April 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020, in accordance with the CARES Act.
To apply you will need to certify in writing that you meet one of the following criteria:
• You are diagnosed with COVID-19 by a test approved by the CDC;
• Your spouse or dependent is diagnosed with COVID-19 by such a test; or
• You experience adverse financial consequences as a result of COVID-19 because you, your spouse, or a member of your household:
• was quarantined, furloughed, laid off;
• had a reduction in work hours, or closure or reduced hours of business;
• was unable to work due to lack of childcare;
• had a reduction in pay or self-employment income; or
• other factors as determined by the Secretary of the Treasury.
If you believe that you may qualify to take this distribution, you should contact the Trust Fund Office for an application at 800-635-3105.
Reminder: All Your Benefit Information Is Online
All your benefit information is available on the Trust Fund website: All relevant information regarding plan benefits is available at the website page.
If you are a participant in any of the related plans: Welfare, Pension, Individual Account Pension Plan or Michael J. Day, the Plan has created a personal account page containing your information that can be accessed once a “User Account” is created. If eligible, there is a downloadable application for benefits available on the website.
Your medical benefits during the Coronavirus (COVID-19)
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) and the global pandemic it created has impacted the participants in the Automotive Industries (AI) benefit plans in numerous ways. The Board of Trustees has taken steps to help participants under the AI Welfare Plan.
Blue Cross Direct Pay Plan
For Blue Cross Direct Pay Plan participants, effective for services received on or after March 18, 2020 and through the end of the emergency period in which the federal government has announced a National Emergency, the Fund will cover:
COVID-19 Testing – Covered at 100%
Diagnostic tests for COVID-19 from either an In-Network or Out-of-Network provider at 100% of the allowed charge, with no cost sharing to you or your dependents.
COVID-19 Treatment – Covered at 100% (In-Network Only)
Treatment of COVID-19 received from an In-Network provider at 100% of the allowed charge, with no cost sharing to you. This means that if a member receives treatment under a COVID-19 admission or diagnosis code from an In-Network provider during this time, the Plan will waive cost sharing.
In order to receive benefits at no cost sharing, you will have to receive treatment under a confirmed positive diagnosis of COVID-19, or have an inpatient admission for COVID-19, and your provider will need to use the correct codes for the diagnosis/treatment.
OptumRx – Prescription Drug Refills
OptumRx is waiving any refill-too-soon edits. This allows eligible OptumRx members to obtain early refills of their prescription medications if they have refills remaining on file at a participating retail or mail-order.
Blue Cross LiveHealth Online
Copayment Waiver for all Treatment.
Anthem Blue Cross LiveHealth Online
Anthem Blue Cross LiveHealth Online services will be provided with no cost-sharing for all treatment received. Please remember, LiveHealth Online is the Plan’s only provider for telehealth services where all cost sharing will be waived, except as otherwise provided for COVID-19 related tests and treatment, described above. Charges for any/all phone or online calls with another provider (In-Network or Out-of-Network), or any other services received where you are not personally examined by the provider will be covered at normal plan benefits (deductible, coinsurance).
Full information on the above benefit changes can be found on the Trust Fund website at
For participants who have elected coverage in the Kaiser medical plan, please visit for information on how Kaiser is assisting participants during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for the latest information regarding the COVID-19 Pandemic:
or the State of California webpage dedicated to COVID-19 at
Reminder: Looking for Former Pension Plan Participants
The Automotive Industries Pension Plan has approximately 2,000 participants over the age of 65 who are entitled to begin receiving their monthly benefit payment under the Plan but have not started the application process. If you believe that you or someone you know may be entitled to benefits under the Pension Plan, please contact the Trust Fund Office at 800-635-3105 and ask to speak with the Pension Department.
You may also view your pension benefit information on the Automotive Industries Pension Plan benefit website at The Plan has created a personal account page containing your pension information which can be accessed once a “User Account” is created. If eligible, there is a downloadable application for benefits available on the website.
About your 401K
If you looked at your 401K quarterly report for the quarter ending on March 31, you likely felt a shock at how quickly your retirement savings
could disappear. “The stock market cratered in March, decreasing by 14% in the first quarter,” says Area Director Don Crosatto. “However, we’ve seen a tremendous uptick in the last two months. As of June 4, the Growth Fund of America was down 15% in first quarter, but is now up 4% year-to-date. While other funds have not gone down or up quite so dramatically, as of June 4, most were down no more than 6%. Most of our members are invested in Target Date funds, which, at that time, were down at most by 2.4%, and many are even. Hopefully, when you look at your Second Quarter statement, you’ll feel some relief.”
Thank you for your patience
By Don Crosatto, Area Director
On a personal note, I’d like thank the members for their patience during this crisis.
When the pandemic suddenly hit and the Bay Area counties were the first in the state ordered to shut down and shelter in place, our Alameda County-based Trust Fund was forced to send its workforce packing. They closed their offices and put everybody to work on computers at home, in many cases that entailed buying new computers and needing to be very conscious of privacy and security issues. The process was a scramble, but it ultimately went very smoothly, and we’ve gotten no calls of complaint!
The vast majority of members that we’ve interacted with over the last few months have been patient, understanding the fact that it may take longer to get back to them, or we have to do business differently than normal. They’ve kept their good humor, which has made everyone’s life easier in a difficult time.
Because of wise planning at Trust Fund, we’ve had very few issues with people getting continuing coverage, and haven’t had any members lose coverage because they couldn’t get hold of the fund. Unfortunately, we did have a few employers who withheld payments, but we worked to straighten those situations out. Since the crisis started, all pension payments have gone out on time.
It may not be “business as usual,” but business is getting done.
Options to save you money for health services
Value-Based Pricing Program
There are wide treatment cost variations for elective outpatient procedures and other types of surgeries. The Value-Based Pricing Program was implemented on January 1, 2015 to keep out-of-pocket costs down to a minimum. (Note: This doesNOT apply to members with Kaiser plans.)
Under the Value-Based Program, the following elective surgeries have a dollar cap limitation when performed in a hospital rather than an Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC).
Colonoscopy = $1,500
Arthroscopy = $6,000
Cataract Surgery = $2,000
(The above pricing only pertains to surgeries performed in a hospital setting regardless of the hospital being in-network or out-of-network).
Hip and Knee Replacement surgeries will be limited to a maximum payment of $30,000 for a single hip joint replacement or a single knee joint replacement. The maximum included all inpatient facility costs. Professional fees (surgeon or anesthesia) are paid under a separate benefit.
If you are going to have any of the above procedures performed in the near future, please contact the Trust Fund Office for a list of the Value-Based Facilities or you can look up the facilities directly at
2019 Year-End Tax Forms
Below is a listing of the 2019 Year-End tax forms that were mailed out by the Trust Fund Office to qualified participants as of January 31, 2020, as required by law.
Automotive Industries Pension Plan – 1099-R
This form is distributed to all plan participants that are currently in pay status or retired in the calendar year 2019 under the Automotive Industries Pension Plan. In addition to mailing these forms, all 1099-R Forms have been uploaded to every retiree’s individual account on the benefit website and can be printed directly from the site. Visit for details on how to obtain a copy electronically. (The 2019 forms available through the website will be following IRS guidance and only provide truncated taxpayer identification numbers However, the complete identification number will be provided to the IRS. This action is being taken to reduce the risk of identity theft.)
Individual Account Retirement Pension Plan – 1099-R
This form is distributed to all participants who took a distribution from their Individual Account Retirement Pension Plan in the calendar year 2019.
Automotive Industries Welfare Plan (Short Term Disability) – Form W-2
This form is distributed to all plan participants that received Short Term Disability payments from the welfare plan in the calendar year 2019. This form will not include any additional payments
Automotive Industries Welfare Plan – Form 1095-B
This form is distributed to all plan participants who participated in and received medical and prescription drug coverage in the calendar year 2019. If you were a member of the self-funded medical plan, you will receive this form from from the Trust Fund Office. If you were a member of Kaiser, this form will be mailed directly from Kaiser. The 1095-B Form is being sent pursuant to the requirements of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
Please contact the Trust Fund Office at 800-635-3105 should you need any assistance receiving a duplicate a copy of any of the above forms. Consult your tax professional if you have questions about what impact any of the above forms will have on your tax obligation for the calendar year 2019.
Save Money on Medical Costs with the Self-Funded Blue Cross PPO Plan
Members that have medical coverage under the Self-Funded Blue Cross PPO Plan have many ways to save money when seeking medical care. These include:
Live Health Online:
The Blue Cross LiveHealth Online ( is a web based portal that can be used at anytime (including evenings and weekends) on any smartphone, tablet or computer that has a camera. You will receive a face-to-face visit with an in-network doctor through a private secure video. The doctors are authorized to provide a variety of treatment options, as well a prescribe medication for your condition that you can pick up at any participating pharmacy.
By using Live Health Online you only pay the office visit co-payment. There will be no additional cost associated with the office visit or treatment the when you use Live Health Online.
Option 2: 24/7 Nurse Line:
The Blue Cross 24/7 Nurse Line, 866-670-1565, is a 24-hour, 7-day a week, 365-day a year advice line that allows you and your eligible dependents access to a registered nurse at any time of the day to answer questions regarding evaluating your symptoms and medical conditions. This service can be used even if you already have a primary care doctor. The 24/7 Nurse Line will also help reduce the cost of your treatment by assisting you in finding the correct in-network treatment center if your condition requires additional treatment.
The 24/7 Nurse Line is a FREE service provided to you under the welfare plan. There is absolutely no out of pocket cost for you to use this service.
Short Term Disability Benefits
Did your employer negotiate into the Automotive Industries Short Term Disability Plan? If so, then you have coverage that will supplement any state disability or workers’ compensation payments you receive while you are out of work. The plan will cover up to 39 weeks of supplemental disability payments. You have up to 180 days from the date of your disability to apply for these benefits. An application for benefits can be printed from the Trust Fund website at or you can request one from the Trust Fund Office directly.
Reminder: Update Your Beneficiary
It is good practice to review your beneficiary information on file with the Trust Fund Office when you have a life event such as marriage, divorce or birth of a child. You can view your designated beneficiary on the Trust Fund website at If you want or need to change the beneficiary, the change form can be downloaded directly from the website.
2019 Fund Information
Know your Benefits – Employee Assistance Program through Managed Health Network (MHN)
The Welfare Trust Fund has contracted with Managed Health Network (MHN) to coordinate the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for the members of the Plan. The purpose of the EAP is to provide members with access to short term solution- focused counseling for a variety of issues that we encounter throughout life. Services that are provided through MHN are:
Short-term counseling
The EAP provides up to 3 sessions per individual per issue per plan period and you can choose face-to-face or telephonic or Web-Video Sessions. If your EAP counselor determines you need additional counseling services, he or she may refer you to counseling in your community. You would be responsible to pay for those services, but they might be covered or partially covered by your other medical insurance under the Plan.
Assistance with taking charge of your finances
Certified financial counselors help members overcome financial distress and meet their goals with telephonic assistance and referrals to professional services. Members are eligible for up to a 60-minute initial telephonic consult per issue with unlimited follow-up telephonic consultations. No limit to number of presenting financial issues. Access to online financial tools, calculators, worksheets and information are also available through MHN.
Tackling legal issues
A 30-minute telephonic or face-to-face consultation with an attorney on topics that include: personal and family issues, civil and consumer issues, real estate and estate planning. Also provided is access to comprehensive online resources including a full library of legal and financial articles, downloadable legal forms, and a variety of financial calculators.
Recovery from identity theft
Identity theft requires diligence, know-how and lots of time to recover from and your EAP can relieve much of that burden by providing participants a 30-minute free consultation with a trained fraud specialist. The EAP provides an Identity Theft Response Kit when the potential of identity theft has been determined. If you are plan member, you have access to all the services. If you have a spouse or domestic partner, they also have full access to the services. If you have a child under the age of 26 or a legal dependent, they also have full access to the service. Also, any person who resides in your household has full access to the service. You and your dependents do not share benefits; you each have your own set of benefits.
How to access this benefit
MHN can be contacted toll-free at 800-748-2559 or online at
(Choose Option: MHN EAP and enter Company Code: aiwfmap). When you call in, you simply provide some basic demographic information (name, DOB, address, etc.), and advise the representative that you are a plan member with IAM District Lodge 190. One of MHN’s representatives will then ensure that they quote the correct benefit information to you.
2019 Retiree Tax Information
The Trust Fund Office will be mailing the Pension Plan 2019 1099-R Tax Forms no later than January 31, 2020, to all retirees receiving monthly pension payments. If you have moved in the last year, please make sure your address is updated with the Trust Fund Office before December 31, 2019.
After January 31, 2020, the 1099-R Tax Forms will also be available on the Trust Fund website at and can be downloaded or printed directly from the website. If you don’t already have access to the website, creating an online account is simple and takes minutes to complete.
Visit for details on how to create an account so that you can review your benefit information.
Reminder: Notify the Trust Fund Office of Life Events
Members are responsible for notifying the Trust Fund when they experience a life event. Life events include: marriage, divorce, birth of a child, adoption and change of address. Enrollment change forms can be downloaded and printed directly from the Trust Fund website at
Plan Changes:
Bright Now! (Newport) Dental terminated effective September 1, 2019
The Plan has terminated the services of Bright Now! (Newport) Dental effective September 1, 2019.
If you are currently enrolled in Bright Now! (Newport) Dental and have not already made your new dental provider election, please do so immediately. You may elect any of the remaining dental options available to members, including: Delta Dental PPO, Safeguard, United Concordia Plus, or UnitedHealthcare Dental/Pacific Union Dental.
Please be advised that if you failed to make an election or otherwise fail to return a completed enrollment change form to the Trust Fund Office by August 31, 2019, you will be automatically enrolled in the Delta Dental PPO plan option. If you have any questions or wish to update your election, please contact the Trust Fund Office at (800) 635-3105.
Save Money:
Use the Blue Cross 24/7 Nurse Line — 866-670-1565
For Direct Pay participants, the Blue Cross 24/7 Nurse Line is a 24 hour, 7 day a week, 365 day a year advice line that allows you and your eligible dependents access to a registered nurse at any time of the day to answer questions regarding evaluating your symptoms and medical conditions. This service can be used even if you already have a primary care doctor.
The 24/7 Nurse Line will also help reduce the cost of your treatment by assisting you in finding the correct in-network treatment center if your condition requires additional treatment.
The 24/7 Nurse Line is a FREE service provided to you under the Welfare Plan. There is absolutely no out-of-pocket cost for you to use this service. The full cost of the service is paid for 100% by the Trust Fund.
Website Update:
Medical plan explanation of benefits now available online
Effective September 1, 2019, the Trust Fund Office will be posting all Direct Pay Medical Plan and Orthodontia claims information to a Member’s individual online account on the Trust Fund website at You will now be able to see all paid medical claims and orthodontia claims starting from the payment date of January 1, 2019, for you and your eligible underage dependents. As an added enhancement, you will now be able to download and print the Explanation of Benefits (EOB) for the claims paid after August 1, 2019 directly from your account page.
You can now check your claims account at your convenience 24 hours a day to see if a claim has been paid. There will no longer be a need to call into the Trust Fund Office to check and see if a medical claim has been processed by the Plan. For details on how to create an online account, please visit or call the Trust Fund Office at (800) 635-3105.
COBRA benefits and election time limits
As a participant in the Health & Welfare Plan you have the right to pay for and continue the exact same coverage you currently have for 18 months after you become ineligible for benefits.
You must make your election to continue benefits within 60 days of losing coverage. If you do not make an election for this coverage, you will not be allowed to continue your coverage.
For more information on COBRA, call the Trust Fund office at 800-635-3105 and speak to a representative.
Pension Legislation Update—Time to weigh in!
The Butch Lewis Act, Labor’s and the IAM’s legislative fix to our ailing pension plans, was passed out of the House of Representatives by a bipartisan vote of 264 to 169. Now, it is up to the Senate to vote so that we can get the job done to protect our pensions.
The Senate needs to act so that workers, retirees and their families can have the peace of mind that their pensions will be there when they retire. The Butch Lewis Act would create a loan program to allow failing pension plans, such as our Automotive Industries Plan, to borrow the money they need to put the plans back on solid ground. This will ensure that the plans can meet their commitments to retirees and workers for decades to come.
This bill would solve the pension crisis without cutting benefits that retirees and workers have already earned.
Write or call Senators Feinstein and Harris and urge them to support this legislation.
Senator Dianne Feinstein 331 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Phone: (202) 224-3841 |
Senator Kamala Harris 112 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Phone (202) 224-3553 |
Change in enrollment rules for newly acquired dependents
Effective April 1, 2019, a member who wishes to add a new dependent to their medical coverage must submit an Enrollment Change Form within 31 days of acquiring the new dependent.
Dependents include (for a full list, please refer to the Summary Plan Description):
• Natural children
• Stepchildren
• Legally-adopted children
• Children for whom a member has been legally appointed as guardian
• Children of an eligible domestic partner
Once the enrollment form is received by the Trust Fund, members will have an additional 60 days to provide the required backup documentation (birth certificate, marriage license, adoption paperwork, etc.) to the Fund Office.
During this 60-day extension, the dependent will be covered for all benefits. If you do not enroll your dependent(s) when they first become eligible for coverage, you may do so at a later time. In this case, coverage will begin the first of the following month, upon receipt of enrollment and required documentation. Enrollment change forms can be found on the Trust Fund website or by calling the Trust Fund Office at 800-635-3105.
Checking HRA balances: Now there is an App for that
If your medical plan has an HRA component attached to it, you have been able to track your account balances and transaction history through the online portal through the Automotive Industries Participant Website at by clicking on the “HRA Login” at the top of the home page.
Now, you can download the free HS&BA portal app from the Apple App Store. Type in “Automotive Industries HRA” in the App Store search bar to find the app. This is currently only available for iPhone users.
Glasses and contacts now available online
The Plan’s vision provider, Vision Service Plan (VSP), is now providing an online service to purchase glasses and contact lenses. The website is called Eyeconic and offers virtual try-on tools, all inclusive pricing on glasses and lenses, as well as free shipping and returns. Eyeconic also provides a lowest price match guarantee and additional savings on additional pairs of glasses. Visit to see if this service is right for you.
Hearing care program for AI Trust Fund participants
Automotive Industries Trust Funds participants and their dependents are eligible for hearing care discounts through HearUSA. Through the use of qualified, licensed providers, you will receive a comprehensive program that includes hearing assessment, evaluation for hearing aids, and a full range of quality products and services, including annual cleaning and maintenance of hearing aids at no charge for one year, 3-year warranty including one-time loss and damage (deductible varies), 2-year supply of hearing aid batteries, and savings of up to 50% off the cost of brand-name hearing aids, and more.
Here are the steps to get started:
1. Call 1-800-442-8231 and HearUSA will schedule an appointment. (Be sure to identify yourself as an AI Trust Fund member.)
2. HearUSA will verify eligibility and send you an appointment confirmation.
Discover how today’s NEW technology can provide you with better hearing solutions.
Call today to take the first step to better hearing: 1-800-442-8231 (8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time).
Reminder: Looking for Former Pension Plan Participants
The Automotive Industries Pension Plan has approximately 2,000 participants over the age of 65 who are entitled to begin their benefits with the Plan but have not started the process to apply for benefits.
If you are one of these individuals, or if you know someone who may be, you should contact the Trust Fund Office at 800-635-3105 and ask to speak with the Pension Department.
Reminder: Update Your Beneficiary
It is good practice to review your beneficiary information on file with the Trust Fund Office when you have a life event such as marriage, divorce or birth of a child. You can view your designated beneficiary in the secured area of the Trust Fund website at If you want or need to change the beneficiary, the change form can be downloaded directly from the website!
2018 Fund Information
2018 Year End Tax Forms
The Trust Fund Office generated and sent out the following 2018 Year End Tax Forms to qualified participants as of January 31, 2019.
- Form 1099-R (Pension Plan)
- Form 1099-R (Individual Account Retirement Plan)
- Form 1095-B (Welfare Plan)
- Form W-2 (Disability Plan)
If you require a duplicate copy of any of the above forms, please contact the Trust Fund Office at (800) 635-3105. Remember: the Pension Plan 1099-R Forms have been uploaded to every retirees’ individual account on the benefits website and can be printed directly from the site. Visit for details on how to obtain a copy electronically.
Health Plan – New HRA Cards
The Plan has recently changed the design of the HRA cards to reflect the change in the Third-Party Administrator to Health Services & Benefit Administrators (HS&BA). The updated card will be white in color and have the name of the Welfare Fund and HS&BA noted on the card. The new cards will be issued as the previously issued cards expire.
If you need a new card or have questions about your HRA account, contact the Trust Fund Office at (800) 635-3105. You can also access your HRA account at any time online by visiting .
Short Term Disability Benefits
Did your employer negotiate into the Automotive Industries Short Term Disability Plan? If so, you have coverage that will supplement any state disability or workers’ compensation payments you receive while you are out of work. The Plan will cover up to 39 weeks of supplemental disability payments. You have up to 180 days from the date of your disability to apply for these benefits. An application for benefits can be printed from the Trust Fund website at or you can request one from the Trust Fund Office directly.
Reminder: Update Your Beneficiary
It is good practice to review your beneficiary information on file with the Trust Fund Office when you have a life event such as marriage, divorce or birth of a child. You can view your designated beneficiary in the secured area of the Trust Fund website at If you want or need to change the beneficiary, the change form can be downloaded directly from the website!”
AI offers help for hearing loss
Hearing loss impacts approximately 15% of the American adult population; the number of people with a disabling hearing loss increases as we age with over 25% of those age 60-74 and 50% of those over age 75 who would significantly benefit from hearing aids.
Warning signs for hearing loss are often observed first by the communication partners of those with the hearing loss. The person experiencing hearing loss often may believe those around them are simply mumbling. You can watch for these signs of hearing loss:
- You prefer the TV/radio volume at a level higher than others prefer,
- Difficulty understanding children’s or women’s voices,
- Increased difficulty hearing in small groups,
fatigue following large social situations, - Ringing or buzzing noises in quiet situations, or
- No awareness to alarms (refrigerator door alarm, timer beeps, phone ring, doorbell) until you are close to the source.
When you notice these or other communication challenges, take the time to obtain a hearing screening.
Depending on the degree and type of hearing loss, several treatment options are available, such as auditory rehabilitation, counseling, education, assistive listening devices, and hearing aids. Your hearing health provider is best trained to collaborate with you and identify the best options for your unique communication needs.
Automotive Industries Trust Fund members are entitled to a broad range of hearing aids from over 10 different name brand manufacturers all at a low discounted rate. All services are included for the first year at no additional charge. Hearing aids come with a 3-year warranty and 1-year supply of batteries. In addition, members receive a 10% discount on purchases of assistive listening devices such as amplified telephones and products on
To schedule an appointment please call (800) 442-8231.
Pension Crisis Legislative Update
By Jim Beno
District 190 Directing Business Representative
The Congressional Joint Select Committee on Solvency of Multi-Employer Pension Plans released a statement committing to continue their work past their November 30 deadline to solve the multi-employer pension crisis.
The Committee was formed to find solutions for pension plans facing insolvency like our Automotive Industries Pension Plan.
The Committee issued the following statement: “The problems facing our multi-employer pension system are multifaceted and over the years have proven to be incredibly difficult to address. Despite these challenges and a highly-charged political environment, we have made meaningful progress toward a bipartisan proposal to address the shortcomings in the system and to improve retirement security for workers and retirees while also providing certainty for small businesses that participate in multi-employer plans. While it will not be possible to finalize a bipartisan agreement before November 30, we believe a bipartisan solution is attainable, and we will continue working to reach that solution.”
Among the topics the Joint Select Committee is reviewing are:
- changes to funding rules including the lowering of the discount rate affecting the plans’ long-term expected return on plan assets,
- changes to the funding standard account credit balance,
- asset smoothing rules, and
- the amortization period for paying off a plan’s liabilities.
Other areas being discussed include improving the Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation’s (PBGC) overall funding. This is the government agency that was established to insure the benefits of retirees should their pension plan become insolvent. This proposal increases PBGC funding by increasing funding contributions from all pension plans, employers and unions, and even by charging retirees of non-green zone plans.
May of the proposals being considered, while helping those plans such as our Automotive Industries Pension Plan, would also put a heavier financial burden on plans that are not facing impending insolvency. As the Committee stated in their official news release, the problems facing our pension plans have proven to be incredibly difficult to address.
We in the Machinists Union are committed to continuing to reach out and assist the Joint Select Committee in its efforts to resolve this impending crisis.
2018 Retiree Tax Information (Pension Plan)
The Trust Fund Office will be mailing the Pension Plan 2018 1099-R Tax Forms no later than January 31, 2019 to all retirees receiving monthly pension payments. If you have moved in the last year, please make sure your address is updated with the Trust Fund Office before December 31, 2018.
Beginning in 2019, the 1099-R Tax Forms posted to each member’s online account no later than January 31, 2019 and can be downloaded or printed directly from the website.
Creating an online account is simple and takes minutes to complete. Visit for details on how to create an account so that you can review your benefit information.
Why you’re getting your HRA debit card confirmation letters from the Trust Fund
If you you utilize an HRA Debit Card with your medical benefits, you probably have received a letter from the Trust Fund Office asking for additional information on services that were charged to the card. The question most asked about these letters is, “Do I really have to send in the information requested into the Fund Office?”
The letter is known as a “substantiation letter” and it is being sent by the Trust Fund Office because the IRS requires the Welfare Plan to verify that all charges and purchases made using the HRA card were for an eligible medical expense (as defined by the IRS). Substantiation letters are not generated for all card transactions; they are usually generated when the amount that is pad through the card does not match the plan information. Information that is being confirmed is:
- Service Date or Purchase Date
- Description of Service/Item Purchase
- Name of Provider/Merchant
- Claim Amount
As a participant in the Plan, you are required to complete the substantiation letter and provide documents that will confirm the information required by the IRS. In most cases the Explanation of Benefits (EOB) from the medical provider or HMO will be sufficient information to fulfill the substantiation letter requirements. If you have any questions about the letters or what documentation needs to be provided, please call the Trust Office at (800) 635-3105.
For additional Trust Fund updates, visit page 3 of the Sparkplug.
Unions and employers seek solutions
The Congressional Joint Select Commit- tee on the Solvency of Multiemployer Pension Plans is currently holding hearings to address the need for a fix to the pension underfunding problem.
At a recent Committee hearing, Chris Langan, Vice President of Finance at United Parcel Service (UPS), which is one of the Automotive Industries Pension Plan’s largest contributing employers, laid out the severity of the problem and the need for Congress to take immediate action. Mr. Langan stated, “the multiemployer pension system is in a crisis from which it will never recover if Congress does not take immediate action.”
The current problem, as Langan laid out, is that most underfunded plans, such as ours, have significant negative cash flows. Simply put, our plans pay out much more in benefits each year than we collect from employers and investment returns. He also states that there is no workable fix that can be strictly funded through increased employer contributions or through cuts to benefits. He and UPS believe that a carefully designed loan program can save our pension plans without imposing undue hardships on retirees, employers, plan participants, the government or taxpayers.
The Teamsters Central States and United Mineworker pension plans, two of the largest pension plans that are projected to become in- solvent in the next five years, have confirmed that a loan program will save their plans.
Our Automotive Industries Pension Plan actuaries have also concluded that a loan pro- gram, such as that proposed by UPS, could not only save the plan from insolvency but re- turn the plan to full funding within 15 years. This seems to be the most reasonable option to save the underfunded pension plans.
The Automotive Industries Pension Plan has sent a detailed letter to the Joint Commit- tee outlining the history of our plan and the circumstances that created our underfunding. We underscored the critical need for a loan program and the urgency to take immediate action.
The Joint Committee has until the end of November to propose a fix to Congress. If you would like to send comments on your own personal situation and how this affects you, please address your letters to: 219 Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, DC. 20510
Under New Management
The Board of Trustees of the Automotive Industries Trust Funds (the Trust Funds) are pleased to announce that Charles Besocke has been retained to oversee the operations of the various Automotive Industries Trust Funds.
The Trustees performed an extensive search for this position and chose Besocke because he has over a decade of experience in managing and administering many different types of union benefit plans, including welfare, pension, defined contribution, vacation and apprenticeship.
Besocke will be working closely with the Trustees to improve the operations of the Trust Funds, as well as working with the local lodges to address member issues and concerns and provide information from the Trust Funds. Besocke is excited to be working for the Trust Funds and looks forward to assisting the members of District 190.
For members in the Direct-pay Blue Cross Medical Plan
The Trust Funds are providing are two options so that you have more choices to access medical treatment and advice without the need for an appointment.
Option 1: Live Health Online
Blue Cross LiveHealth Online is a web-based portal that can be used at anytime (including evenings and weekends) on any smartphone, tablet or computer that has a camera. You will receive a face-to-face visit with an in-network doctor through a private secure video. The doctors are authorized to provide a variety of treatment options, and may also prescribe medication for your condition that you can pick up at any participating pharmacy.
By using Live Health Online, you will only be responsible for the office visit co-payment. There is no additional cost associated with the office visit or treatment when you use Live Health Online.
Visit at:
Option 2: 24/7 Nurse Line
The Blue Cross 24/7 Nurse Line is a 24-hour, 7-day-a-week, 365-day-a-year advice line that allows you and your eligible dependents access to a registered nurse at any time of the day to answer questions regarding evaluating your symptoms and medical conditions. This service can be used even if you already have a primary care doctor. The 24/7 Nurse Line will also help reduce the cost of your treatment by assisting you in finding the correct in-network treatment center if you condition requires additional treatment.
The 24/7 Nurse Line is a FREE service. There is absolutely no out-of-pocket cost for you to use this service.
Call 24/7 Nurse Line: 844-437-0488
For more information, visit the Automotive Industries Trust Funds website.
2024 Fund Information
Annual physical required to lower deductible in 2025 under Blue Cross Self-Funded Plan options
In 2023, the Automotive Industries (AI) Board of Trustees instituted an annual physical exam requirement so that those on self-funded medical plans offered by the AI Welfare Plan can receive a lower calendar year deductible. The deductible amounts are now in place for the 2024 calendar year, but participants and their spouse or domestic partner (if applicable) who get an annual physical exam anytime in 2024 will be moved to the lower deductible level in the 2025 calendar year, along with all dependent children.
The physical exam can be taken any time before the end of the 2024 Calendar Year (December 31) and requires the Plan’s certification form be sent to the Trust Fund Office.
Physical Exam certification forms are available to download at the Trust Fund website at A separate form must be submitted for you and your spouse or domestic partner (if applicable) to reduce your deductible for the 2025 calendar year.
If you have questions about what current deductible level you are in, please contact the Trust Fund Office at 800-635-3105 or by email at
Need glasses? Use Vision Service Plan (VSP)
Collective bargaining agreements that include vison benefits under the welfare plan are provided exclusively by Vision Service Plan (VSP). The plan has contracted with VSP for many years because of their extensive network of providers. The vision plan will cover the following services for members:
- Exam every 24 months
- Lenses and frames every 24 months.
- $25 Exam Copay ($60 Copay for contact lens exam)
- $130 Frame Allowance
- $130 Elective Contact Lens Allowance
You can locate a VSP provider by going to VSP also provides an online option for ordering glasses and virtual try-on tools at
HRA debit card confirmation letters – Why are these being mailed by the Trust Fund?
If you utilize an HRA Debit Card with your medical benefits, you probably have received a letter from the Trust Fund Office asking for additional information on services that were charged to the card. The question most asked about these letters is, “Do I really have to send the information requested into the Fund Office?”
The letter is known as a “substantiation letter” and it is being sent by the Trust Fund Office because the IRS requires the Welfare Plan to verify that all charges and purchases made using the HRA card were for an eligible medical expense (as defined by the IRS). Substantiation letters are not generated for all card transactions. They are usually generated when the amount that is paid through the card does not match the plan information.
Information that is being confirmed is:
- Service Date or Purchase Date
- Description of Service/Item Purchase
- Name of Provider/Merchant
- Claim Amount
As a participant in the Plan, you are required to complete the substantiation letter and provide documents that will confirm the information required by the IRS. In most cases, the Explanation of Benefits (EOB) from the medical provider or HMO will be enough information to fulfill the substantiation letter requirements.
If you have any questions about the letters or the documentation that needs to be provided, please call the Trust Office.
Pension plan searching for former participants
Currently, approximately 2,000 current or former union members who are entitled to receive pension payments under the Automotive Industries Pension Plan have not applied for their money. If you know someone who used to work in the industry during the 1970s or 1980s, is over age 65, and is not receiving a pension payment from the Trust Fund, they could be missing out on a monthly payment from the Plan. Have them contact the Trust Fund Office at 800-635-3105 for a review of their work history to see if they are eligible.
Have issues?
The Member Assistance Program can help with many life-related stresses, including relationships, work issues, grieving, bankruptcy, depression, real estate and so much more. Call the number below for confidential services and referrals.
(Use code: AUTOMOTIVE)
Pension Plan 2023 Year End Tax Documents
The Trust Fund Office will be mailing the Pension Plan 2023 1099-R Tax Forms no later than January 31, 2024, to all retirees receiving monthly pension payments.
After January 31, 2024 the 1099-R Tax Forms will also be available on the Trust Fund website at and can be downloaded or printed directly from the website. If you don’t already have access to the website, creating an online account is simple and takes just a few minutes to complete. Visit for details on how to create an account so that you can review your benefit information.
Your rights and protections against surprise medical bills
Effective January 1, 2022, the No Surprises Act went into effect. This law prohibits medical providers from “balance billing” you when you get emergency care or get treated by an out-of-network provider at an in-network hospital or ambulatory surgical center. “Surprise billing” is an unexpected balance bill. This can happen when you can’t control who is involved in your care—like when you have an emergency or when you schedule a visit at an in-network facility but are unexpectedly treated by an out-ofnetwork provider.
You are protected from balance billing for:
Emergency services
If you have an emergency medical condition and get emergency services from an out-of-network provider or facility, the most the provider or facility may bill you is your plan’s in-network cost-sharing amount (such as copayments and coinsurance). You can’t be balance billed for these emergency services. This includes services you may get after you’re in stable condition unless you give written consent and give up your protections not to be balanced billed for these post-stabilization services.
Certain services at an in-network hospital or ambulatory surgical center
When you get services from an in-network hospital or ambulatory surgical center, certain providers there may be out-of-network. In these cases, the most those providers may bill you is your plan’s in-network cost-sharing amount. This applies to emergency medicine, anesthesia, pathology, radiology, laboratory, neonatology, assistant surgeon, hospitalist, or intensivist services. These providers can’t balance bill you and may not ask you to give up your protections not to be balance billed.
You’re never required to give up your protections from balance billing. You also aren’t required to get care out-of-network. You can choose a provider or facility in your plan’s network. If you believe you’ve been wrongly billed, you may contact the Automotive Industries Welfare Plan at (800) 635-3105, by email at, or by visiting for assistance. Visit for more information about your rights under federal law.
The Member Assistance Program can help with many life related stresses
The Trustees of the Automotive Industries Welfare Fund partnered with Uprise Health to provide an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and a Legal/Financial Program (LFP). These resources can help you resolve personal problems in the early stages.
Uprise Health offers a confidential support service and referral program. It is designed to help you and your family with personal issues such as:
• Stress
• Parenting
• Aging
• Grief/Loss
• Anxiety
• Relationships
• Family
• Marriage
• Work Issues
• Alcohol/Drug
• Finances
• Depression
• Adoption
• Estate Planning
• Bankruptcy
• Immigration
• Child Custody
• Real Estate
• Criminal Issues
• Tenant’s Rights
• Divorce
Customer Care Professionals will help you find the right resources and services including counselors, legal representatives, and financial professionals who can provide counseling sessions, coordinate the appropriate treatment, and provide referrals if needed. Office hours are from 6 am to 5pm PST. After hours calls will be returned the following day. Crisis support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The services provided under the EAP and LFP program are 100% confidential and are at no cost to your or your dependents. For more information or to get assistance in making an appointment, call Uprise Health at 1-888-690 1349 or visit using the AUTOMOTIVE as the access code.
Reminder: Pension plan searching for former participants
The Automotive Industries Pension Plan currentlyvhas approximately 2,000 participants who are entitled to receive a pension payment under the plan but have not made an application for their money. If you know someone who used to work in the industry during the 1970’s or 1980’s, is over age 65 and is not receiving a pension payment from the Trust Fund, they could be missing out on a monthly payment from the plan. Have them contact the Trust Fund Office at 800-635-3105 for a review of their work history to see if they are eligible.
2023 Fund Information
Annual Physical Required to Keep Lower Deductible in 2024 Under Blue Cross Self- Funded Plan Options
The Board of Trustees lowered the annual calendar year deductible for all Participants enrolled in a Blue Cross Self-Funded Plan Option for the 2023 calendar year. A condition of keeping the deductible at the lower level is that the participant and the participant’s dependent spouse or domestic partner obtain a routine physical exam sometime in the calendar year 2023. Depending on your Plan, your deductible will change as outlined in the chart below if you and your spouse or domestic partner do not receive routine physical exams. If you and your spouse haven’t completed a wellness exam, you must do so by December 31, 2023. A separate form must be submitted for you and your spouse or domestic partner (if applicable) to reduce your deductible for the calendar year 2024. You can download the certification form by visiting
Special Financial Assistance FAQs are now available
Now that the Automotive Industries Pension Plan has received over $1 Billion in Special Financial Assistance (SFA) through the American Rescue Plan Act, there are many questions that you may have about the money received and what it will mean for the Plan. At the direction of the Trustees, a set of Asked Questions (FAQs) has been published and is now available online. The list of FAQs will not answer every question about the SFA funding received, but they will explain the basics of the SFA program, why the Plan received the money, and how it will affect all members who have a benefit with the Pension Plan. The FAQs are available at
On Disability? Submit Your Claim Form On Time and With All Required Information
Contracts that have negotiated the Short Term Disability benefit available through the Welfare Plan will provide up to 80% of your hourly wage when combined with your state disability or workers’ compensation payments. If you need to file a claim with the Trust Fund Office, make sure to provide all the required information with your claim form. Missing or incomplete information will cause a delay in your receiving weekly payments from the Plan. If you have questions, contact the Trust Fund Office at 8 0 0 – 6 3 5 – 3105 or by email at AISupport@ before you submit your claim.
Pension plan searching for former participants
The Automotive Industries Pension Plan currently has approximately 2,000 participants who are entitled to receive a pension payment under the Plan but have not made an application for their money. If you know someone who used to work in the industry during the 1970s or 1980s, is over age 65, and is not receiving a pension payment from the Trust Fund, they could be missing out on a monthly payment from the Plan. Have them contact the Trust Fund Office at 800.635.3105 for a review of their work history to see if they are eligible.
Employer contribution rates for welfare benefits will receive modest increases for first time in three years
The employer contribution rates for all welfare plan benefits (medical, prescription, dental, orthodontic, vision, life insurance and short-term disability) are reviewed annually by the Trustees. Due to the unfavorable claims experience of both the self-funded Blue Cross and Kaiser HMO options over the past year, the Trustees made the decision to increase the welfare rates charged to employers starting September 1, 2023.
The rates for the medical plan were increased approximately 5% across all plan options (Plan A, Plan B, Plan C, and Plan K). However, in order to keep the overall costs down for the employer and participants, the ancillary benefits such as dental, vision, orthodontia, life insurance, and short-term disability saw little to no increase from the prior year rates.
Your health benefits are negotiated between the Union and your employer. If you are unsure what medical plan you have been negotiated into, please refer to the collective bargaining agreement covering your employment or contact the Trust Fund Office at 800-635-3105 for this information.
The national emergency and public health emergency for COVID-19 has ended
Changes in COVID-19-related benefits and administrative deadlines have resulted from the declared end of the national public health emergency that took place on May 11, 2023. Consequently, the plan rules concerning coverage of certain benefits related to COVID-19 changed for services incurred on or after May 12, 2023. In general, the special rules that got put into effect during the emergency period have been terminated and benefits are now covered under the usual cost-sharing provisions of the Fund. This includes COVID-19 vaccines, office visits, emergency room visits, home test kit reimbursement, and co-payment waivers.
In addition to those changes, there are also certain administrative time frames that returned to normal after the end of the National Emergency. These include extension of administrative deadlines of COBRA, HIPAA enrollment periods, submission of benefit claims, and appeals. Details can about these changes can be found on the Trust Fund website at
Need Glasses?
Use Vision Service Plan (VSP) Collective bargaining agreements that include vison benefits under the welfare plan are provided exclusively by Vision Service Plan (VSP). The plan has contracted through VSP for many years because of their extensive network of providers.
The vision plan will cover the following services for members:
• Exam every 24 months
• Lenses and Frames every 24 months.
• $25 Exam Copay ($60 Copay for contact lens exam)
• $130 Frame Allowance
• $130 Elective Contact Lens Allowance
You can locate a VSP provider by going to VSP also provides an online option for ordering glasses and virtual try-on tools at
The Member Assistance Program Can Help With Many Life Related Stresses
Even though the pandemic has been declared over, the numbers of cases of people with depression and anxiety along with a host of other mental health issues continue to rise. The Trustees of the Automotive Industries Welfare Fund have partnered with Uprise Health to provide an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and a Legal/Financial Program (LFP). These resources can help you resolve personal problems in the early stages.
Uprise Health offers a confidential support service and referral program. It is designed to help you and your family with personal issues such as:
• Stress
• Parenting
• Aging
• Grief/Loss
• Anxiety
• Relationships
• Family
• Marriage
• Work Issues
• Alcohol/Drug
• Finances
• Depression
• Adoption
• Estate Planning
• Bankruptcy
• Immigration
• Child Custody
• Real Estate
• Criminal Issues
• Tenant’s Rights
• Divorce
Customer Care Professionals will help you find the right resources and services including counselors, legal representatives, and financial professionals who can provide counseling sessions, coordinate the appropriate treatment, and provide referrals if needed. Office hours are from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. PST. After-hours calls will be returned the following day. Crisis support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The services provided under the EAP and LFP program are 100% confidential and are at no cost to your or your dependents. For more information or to get assistance in making an
appointment, call Uprise Health at 1-888-690- 1349 or visit using AUTOMOTIVE as the access code.
Pension plan searching for former participants
The Automotive Industries Pension Plan currently has approximately 2,000 participants who are entitled to receive a pension payment under the plan but have not made application for their money. If you know someone who used to work in the industry during the 1970’s or 1980’s, is over age 65 and is not receiving a pension payment from the Trust Fund, they could be missing out on a monthly payment from the plan.
Have them contact the Trust Fund Office at 800.635.3105 for a review of their work history to see if they are eligible.
COVID-19 national public health emergency to end
The National Public Health Emergency for COVID-19 is set to expire on May 11, 2023. This will impact some of the provisions of the medical plan that were implemented when the pandemic began in March 2020. The Trustees of the Welfare Plan are currently working with our healthcare consultant regarding the expiration of the National Public Health Emergency and will communicate any changes that will be made to the benefits due to the expiration.
Your rights and protections against surprise medical bills
Effective January 1, 2022, the No Surprises Act went into effect that prohibits medical providers from levying “surprise bills” (officially called balance- billing) when you get emergency care or get treated by an out-of-network provider at an in-network hospital or ambulatory surgical center. Getting an unexpected or “surprise” balance bill can happen when you can’t control who is involved in your care—like when you have an emergency or when you schedule a visit at an in-network facility but are unexpectedly treated by an out-of-network provider.
You are protected from balance billing for:
Emergency services: If you have an emergency medical condition and get emergency services from an out-of-network provider or facility, the maximum that the provider or facility may bill you is your plan’s in-network cost-sharing amount (such as copayments and coinsurance). You can’t be balance-billed for these emergency services. This includes services you may get after you’re in stable condition, unless you give written consent and give up your protections not to be balanced billed for these post-stabilization services.
Certain services at an in-network hospital or ambulatory surgical center: When you get services from an in-network hospital or ambulatory surgical center, certain providers there may be out-ofnetwork. In these cases, the most those providers may bill you is your plan’s in-network cost-sharing amount. This applies to emergency medicine, anesthesia, pathology, radiology, laboratory, neonatology, assistant surgeon, hospitalist, or intensivist services. These providers can’t balance-bill you and may not ask you to give up your protections not to be balance-billed.
You’re never required to give up your protections from balance-billing. You also are not required to get care out-of-network. You can choose a provider or facility in your plan’s network.
If you believe you’ve been wrongly billed, you may contact the Automotive Industries Welfare Plan at 800-635-3105, by email at, or by visiting for assistance. Visit for more information about your rights under federal law.
Update your life insurance beneficiary
You can name anyone to be the beneficiary of your life insurance benefit under the Welfare Plan. Over time, your choice of beneficiary may have changed. The Plan recommends that you review your beneficiaries on a regular basis to make sure you named the correct person to receive the benefit. You can review your beneficiary online through the Trust Funds website at Enrollment forms are also available on the site if you need to update your beneficiary.
Reminder: Pension plan searching for former participants
The Automotive Industries Pension Plan currently has approximately 2,000 participants who are entitled to receive a pension payment under the Plan but have not made application for their money. If you know someone who used to work in the industry during the 1970’s or 1980’s, is over age 65 and is not receiving a pension payment from the Trust Fund, they could be missing out a monthly payment from the Plan. Have them contact the Trust Fund Office at 800-635-3105 for a review of their work history to see if they are eligible.
Automotive Industries Pension Plan: Special Financial Assistance Update
The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) was signed into law on March 11, 2021. One of the main provisions of ARPA is the “Special Financial Assistance Program for Financially Troubled Multi-Employer Plans,” which will provide funding to troubled pension plans so they can pay their benefit obligations to their participants through the plan year ending in 2051.
The Trustees of the Automotive Industries Pension Plan have been informed by the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) that the Plan has been placed into Priority Group 6. This is good news because Priority Group 6 will allow the Plan to submit our application for funding relief in March 2023.
The Trustees are currently working with their actuary and other professionals in preparing the application and the required information for submission in March 2023. The ARPA special financial assistance program is administered by the PBGC and funded by the Treasury’s general revenue. The PBGC will have 120 days from the date of submission to review and approve the application. We will continue to provide you with updates on the progress of the application process as more information becomes available.
Pension Plan 2022 Year-End Tax Documents
The Trust Fund Office will be mailing the Pension Plan 2022 1099-R Tax Forms no later than January 31, 2023, to all retirees receiving monthly pension payments. If you have moved in the last year, please make sure your address is updated with the Trust Fund Office before December 31, 2022.
After January 31, 2023, the 1099-R Tax Forms will also be available on the Trust Fund website at and can be downloaded or printed directly from the website. If you don’t already have access to the website, creating an online account is simple and takes minutes to complete. Visit for details on how to create an account so that you can review your benefit information.
Your Rights and Protections Against Surprise Medical Bills
Effective January 1, 2022, the “No Surprises Act” went into effect. A surprise medical bill (also called a “balance bill”) occurs when you go to a health care facility, like a hospital or a lab in your plan’s network, and end up with a doctor who is not in your plan’s network and you are charged more than you would have to pay for an in-network doctor. A surprise medical bill can also happen if you are taken to a non-contracted facility in an emergency, and the facility bills you for the remaining balance for the services you got that were not covered by your health plan.
This new law ensures that you are protected from balance/surprise billing for emergency services. If you have an emergency medical condition and get emergency services from an out-of-network provider or facility, the most the provider or facility may bill you is your plan’s in-network cost-sharing amount (such as co-payments and coinsurance). You can’t be balance billed for these emergency services. This includes services you may get after you’re in stable condition unless you give written consent and give up your protections not to be balance billed for these post-stabilization services.
When you get services from an in-network hospital or ambulatory surgical center, certain providers there may be out-of-network. In these cases, the most those providers may bill you is your plan’s in-network cost-sharing amount. This applies to emergency medicine, anesthesia, pathology, radiology, laboratory, neonatology, assistant surgeon, hospitalist, or intensive services. These providers can’t balance bill you and may not ask you to give up your protections not to be balance billed.
You’re never required to give up your protections from balance billing. You also aren’t required to get care out-of-network. You can choose a provider or facility in your plan’s network. If you believe you’ve been wrongly billed, you may contact the Automotive Industries Welfare Plan at (800) 635-3105, by email at, or by visiting for assistance. Visit for more information about your rights under federal law.
Reminder: Pension Plan Searching for Former Participants
The Automotive Industries Pension Plan currently has approximately 2,000 participants who are entitled to receive a pension payment under the Plan but have not made an application for their money. If you know someone who used to work in the industry during the 1970s or 1980s, is over age 65, and is not receiving a pension payment from the Trust Fund, they could be missing out on a monthly payment from the Plan. Have them contact the Trust Fund Office at 800-635-3105 for a review of their work history to see if they are eligible.
2022 Fund Information
Automotive Industries Pension Plan: Special Financial Assistance Update
The Trustees of the Automotive Industries Pension Plan have been monitoring the Special Financial Assistance Program for Financially Troubled Multiemployer Plans since the American Recovery Plan Act (ARPA) was signed into law on March 11, 2021. The Trustees met in September 2022 with the Plan’s actuary to review the requirements of the program in preparation for making the filing that will enable the government to shore up the union’s pension plan. The date the Plan will be allowed to file its application is expected to be sometime in the first quarter of 2023.
No Increase to Employer Contribution Rates for Welfare Benefits
The employer contribution rates for all Welfare Plan benefits (medical, prescription, dental, orthodontic, vision, life insurance and short-term disability) are reviewed annually by the Trustees and are updated in September of each year. Due to the favorable cost experience of the plan over the past year, the Trustees have determined that there will be no increase in the employer contribution rates for the upcoming rate period. If you have a contract that requires cost sharing of welfare benefits, there will be no change to your cost sharing portion for the rate period of September 2022 – August 2023.
Vision Service Plan (VSP)
Collective bargaining agreements that include vison benefits under the welfare plan are provided exclusively by Vision Service Plan (VSP). The plan has contracted through VSP for many years because of their extensive network of providers. The vision plan will cover the following services for members:
- Exam every 24 months
- Lenses and Frames every 24 months
- $25 Exam Copay ($60 Copay for contact lens exam)
- $130 Frame Allowance
- $130 Elective Contact Lens Allowance
You can locate a VSP provider by going to www. VSP also provides an online option for ordering glasses and virtual try-on tools at
Employee Assistance Program Services Available Online
HMC HealthWorks is providing all Employee Assistance Program (EAP) services for eligible employees and their dependents. The EAP is a resource to help those enrolled in medical coverage through the fund to address a broad range of personal difficulties that may be causing distress. The EAP offers up to three (3) professional, confidential counseling sessions per employee per incident with a network of professionals including licensed psychologists, social workers, and marriage and family therapists. In addition, legal/financial advice and eldercare/childcare advice is offered. These confidential counseling services are free, with no deductible, copay, or coinsurance. HMC HealthWorks can be reached online at and using the Access Code: AUTOMOTIVE. They can also be reached by calling 888.690.1349.
Pension Plan searching for former participants
The Automotive Industries Pension Plan currently has approximately 2,000 participants who are entitled to receive a pension payment under the plan but have not made application for their money. If you know someone who used to work in the industry during the 1970’s or 1980’s, is over age 65 and is not receiving a pension payment from the trust fund, they could be missing out on a monthly payment from the plan. Have them contact the Trust Fund Office at 800-635-3105 for a review of their work history to see if they are eligible.
Reminder: Trust Fund Office Virtual Appointments Available
The Trust Fund Office at Health Services & Benefit Administrators in Dublin, CA continues to offer virtual appointments so members can ask one on one questions with a benefit analyst regarding their medical and pension benefits provided by their collective bargaining agreement. Appointments can be scheduled directly through the Trust Fund webpage at . Click on the “Contact Us” icon on the home page and follow the instructions under the “Virtual Appointments” section to set up your appointment.
Assistance with Stress is Available Through Uprise Health
The pandemic and dramatic changes within the workforce have fueled already rising numbers of depression and anxiety along with a host of other mental health issues. The rate of mental health disturbances among adults has increased fourfold since 2019. For younger adults, ages 18 to 24, the increase is even higher.
The Trustees of the Automotive Industries Welfare Fund have partnered with Uprise Health to provide an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and a Legal/Financial Program (LFP). These resources can help you resolve personal problems in the early stages.
Uprise Health offers a confidential support service and referral program. It is designed to help you and your family with personal issues such as:
Customer Care Professionals will help you find the right resources and services including counseling, legal representation, and financial expertise, helping you to line up counseling sessions, coordinate the appropriate treatment, and offer referrals if needed. Office hours are 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. PST. Afterhours calls will be returned the following day. Crisis support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The services provided under the EAP and LFP program are 100% confidential and are at no cost to your or your dependents. For more information or to get assistance in making an appointment, call Uprise Health at 1-888-690-1349 or visit using AUTOMOTIVE as the access code.
2021 Annual Funding Notice Mailing
The Trust Fund Office recently mailed out the Automotive Industries Pension Plan’s Annual Funding Notice (AFN) for the 2021 Plan Year. This notice provides information on the Plan’s funding levels and other information on the Pension Plan. The mailing is required by law and is mailed out to all participants on or around the last week of April. The Pension Plan has been certified to be in Critical and Declining Status for many years. The AFN mailed for 2022 showed that the Plan has a funding level of 51.9% as of December 31, 2021.
The Automotive Industry Pension Plan qualifies to receive funding relief from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) under the Special Financial Assistance Program. Under this program, eligible plans will receive funding from the Pension Benefit Guarantee Corp. (PBGC) that will enable the plans to keep paying current benefits to participants through 2051. The Trustees have authorized the actuary to make application to the PBGC when the Plan is allowed to apply for funding relief. The Trustees anticipate that the PBGC will allow them to file their application for the “Special Financial Assistance” sometime in the first quarter of 2023.
Reminder: Pension Plan Searching for Former Participants
The Automotive Industries Pension Plan currently has approximately 2,000 participants who are entitled to receive a pension payment under the Plan but have not made application for their money. If you know someone who used to work in the industry during the 1970s or 1980s, is over age 65, and is not receiving a pension payment from the Trust Fund, they could be missing out on a monthly payment from the Plan. Have them contact the Trust Fund Office at 800-635-3105 for a review of their work history to see if they are eligible.
2021 Fund Information
Employee Assistance Program Services Available Online
HMC HealthWorks is providing all Employee Assistance Program (EAP) services for eligible employees and their dependents.
The EAP is a resource to help those enrolled in medical coverage through the Fund to address a broad range of personal difficulties that may be causing distress. The EAP offers up to three (3) professional, confidential counseling sessions per employee per incident with a network of professionals including licensed psychologists, social workers, and marriage and family therapists. In addition, legal/financial advice and eldercare/childcare advice is offered. These confidential counseling services are free, with no deductible, copay, or coinsurance.
HMC HealthWorks can be reached online at and using the Access Code: AUTOMOTIVE. They can also be reached by calling 888-690-1349.
No Increase to Employer Contribution Rates for Welfare Benefits
The employer contribution rates for all Welfare Plan benefits (medical, prescription, dental, orthodontic, vision, life insurance, and short-term disability) are reviewed annually by the Trustees and are updated in September of each year.
Due to the favorable cost experience of the plan over the past year, the Trustees have determined that there will be no increase in the employer contribution rates for the upcoming rate period. If you have a contract that requires cost sharing of welfare benefits, there will be no change to your cost-sharing portion for the rate period of September 2021–August 2022.
Orthodontic Benefit to be Increased to $3,000 Effective January 1, 2022
Effective January 1, 2022, the benefit will be increased from the current benefit of $2,500 per lifetime to $3,000 per lifetime. The Orthodontic benefit is self-funded 100% by the Welfare Plan and administered through the Trust Fund Office. The benefit covers all related orthodontic services such as x-rays, photographs, tracing, study models, and banding—for children and adults.
Subsidized COBRA Available through September 30, 2021
The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) provides an employee who lost their job due to a COVID-related event a 100% subsidy of their COBRA premium. The COBRA election forms sent from the Trust Fund Office have been updated to include all the required forms to apply for this subsidy. A completed form must be submitted with your COBRA election in order to qualify for the subsidy.
If you have questions about the subsidy and if you qualify, please contact the Trust Fund Office at 800-635-3105.
Pension Plan Searching for Former Participants
The Automotive Industries Pension Plan currently has approximately 2,000 participants who are entitled to receive a pension payment under the Plan but have not made application for their money. If you know someone who used to work in the industry during the 1970s or 1980s, is over age 65 and is not receiving a pension payment from the Trust Fund, they could be missing out on a monthly payment from the Plan. Have them contact the Trust Fund Office at 800-635-3105 for a review of their work history to see if they are eligible.
Reminder: Trust Fund Office Still Closed for Walk-in Appointments
The Trust Fund Offices have been closed to walk-in appointments due to the COVID-19 pandemic. To service members effectively, the Trust Fund Office has made Zoom appointments available so you can talk directly with a staff member about your specific benefit questions. Please visit the Trust Fund webpage at and click on the “Contact Us” icon to set up your appointment.
Extended Election Period and Subsidized COBRA
The recently enacted American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) will allow for a 100% subsidy of COBRA continuation premiums effective April 1, 2021 through September 30, 2021. The subsidy applies to “assistance eligible individuals” who were eligible for continuation coverage during some or all of the subsidy period by having lost coverage because of a reduction of hours or involuntary termination of employment due to the COVID-19 pandemic. All members who lost coverage starting April 1, 2021 and forward will qualify for this subsidy.
The ARPA also requires the Welfare Plan to extend the COBRA election period to any COBRA-eligible individual that had a qualifying event effective November 1, 2019 to April 1, 2021. Qualifying members who lost coverage effective November 1, 2019 and did not elect COBRA continuation coverage will receive a notice from the Trust Fund Office that they qualify to elect COBRA effective April 1, 2021 and forward. If you feel you qualify for this special COBRA enrollment period or have any questions, please contact the Trust Fund Office at (800) 635-3105.
Blue Cross Self-Funded Plan Participants – Get an Annual Physical to Lower Your Deductible
If you are currently in the higher deductible level for your medical coverage under the Blue Cross Self-Funded plan, you can lower your deductible for the remainder of the calendar year 2021 by having an annual physical exam by your primary care physician. You must complete and submit an Exam Certification Form to the Trust Fund office. You can find the form under the Plan Documents & Forms section of the Trust Fund website at
The Trust Fund Office now offers Zoom appointments
The Trust Fund Office has been closed for walk-in appointments since March 17, 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Effective June 1, 2021, you will be able to make an appointment with the Trust Fund office through a Zoom video conference call. Appointments can be scheduled through the www. website, with appointments available M o n d a y – F r i d a y from 8:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m. You will receive a private one-onone appointment with a department staff member to discuss all Trust Fund business including medical coverage and eligibility, pension, COBRA, and disability.
2020 Annual Pension Statements
The Automotive Industries Pension Plan will be sending their annual statements to all participants that worked for a qualifying employer in the calendar year 2020. If you did not work in the calendar year 2020, you can review your prior year contributions and vesting status by visiting the Trust Fund website at
Pension plan funding relief under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021
As discussed on page 1, the American Rescue Plan Act provides for funding relief to Pension Plans in Critical and Declining Status, such as the Automotive Industries Pension Plan. Please be aware that the Trust Fund Office has no additional information about this funding relief or the process of applying for the funding relief, other than what is in the American Rescue Plan Act.
The Trust Fund Office will have no other information on this provision of the American Rescue Plan until the rules and regulations are sent out by the federal government in mid-July 2021.
New Employee Assistance Program Provider
The Board of Trustees has replaced Managed Health Network (MHN) with HMC HealthWorks as the new Employee Assistance Program (EAP) vendor for all employees. The new provider will begin offering services on or after April 1, 2021.
The EAP is a resource to help those enrolled in medical coverage through the Fund to address a broad range of personal difficulties that may be causing distress. The EAP offers up to three (3) professional, confidential counseling sessions per employee per incident, with a network of professionals including licensed psychologists, social workers, and marriage and family therapists. In addition, they can offer advice around legal/financial issues, as well as eldercare/childcare. These confidential counseling services are free, with no deductible, copay or coinsurance.
HMC HealthWorks will be sending additional information directly to participants on the services that can be provided, as well as a dedicated member portal that will have additional resources.
2020 Year End Tax Forms
Below is a listing of the 2020 Year-End tax forms that were mailed out by the Trust Fund Office to qualified participants as of January 31, 2021, as required by law.
- Automotive Industries Pension Plan – 1099-R
This form is distributed to all plan participants who are currently in pay status or who retired in the calendar year 2020 under the Automotive Industries Pension Plan. In addition to mailing these forms, all 1099-R Forms have been uploaded to every retiree’s individual account on the benefit website and can be printed directly from the site. Visit www. for details on how to obtain a copy electronically. (Prior year forms available through the website will be following IRS guidance and only provide truncated taxpayer identification numbers. However, the complete identification number will be provided to the IRS. This action is being taken to reduce the risk of identity theft.)
- Individual Account Retirement Pension Plan – 1099-R
This form is distributed to all participants who took a distribution from their Individual Account Retirement Pension Plan in the calendar year 2020.
- Automotive Industries Welfare Plan (Short Term Disability) – Form W-2
This form is distributed to all plan participants that received Short Term Disability payments from the Welfare Plan in the calendar year 2020. This form will not include any additional payments
- Automotive Industries Welfare Plan – Form 1095-B
This form is distributed to all plan participants that participated and received medical and prescription drug coverage under the plan in the calendar year 2020. If you were a member of the self-funded medical plan, you will receive this form from the Trust Fund Office. If you were a member of Kaiser, this form will be mailed directly from Kaiser.
Please contact the Trust Fund Office at 800-635- 3105 should you need any assistance receiving a duplicate copy of any of the above forms. Consult your tax professional if you have questions about what impact any of the above forms will have on your tax obligation for the calendar year 2020.
COVID-19 National Emergency Extended for Testing and Treatment Services
The declared National Emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic has been extended into April 2021 by the Department of Health and Human Services. This means that the coverage provided by the Plan for testing and medical treatment relating to COVID-19 have also been extended.
Services for COVID-19 testing provided at In-Network and Out-of-Network providers and facilities will continue to be covered at 100% of the allowed charges with no cost sharing to you or your eligible dependents.
Services for COVID-19 treatment provided at In-Network providers and facilities will continue to be covered at 100% of the allowed charges with no cost sharing to you or your eligible dependents.
Resources for the Blue Cross Plan and the Kaiser Medical Plan can be found on the Trust Fund website at
Visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for the latest information regarding the COVID-19 pandemic: 2019-ncov or the State of California’s COVID-19 webpage:
Good news chart for the 401K plan
Economies go up and down and that has a major impact on Fund returns. Long after a disastrous 2008 when investment income was negative $6 million, the fund came into 2021 with well over $10 million in growth, and the growth rate for the year was 13%.
Employer contributions are also significantly higher, going from about $4.3 million to over $7.3 million.
Here’s a quick review of the Fund’s history, based on audited financials (except for 2020, which has not yet been audited).
District celebrates 25th Anniversary of 401K Plan
Blue Cross Self-Funded Medical Plan Participants
Annual Wellness Program – Health Dynamics Testing Requirement Suspended for 2021 The Board of Trustees has made the decision to suspend the wellness program Health Dynamics testing requirement for the Calendar Year 2021 (January 1 – December 31).
If you are on the lower deductible plan effective December 31, 2020, there is no action to be taken. You will remain on the lower deductible plan for the Calendar Year 2021.
If you are on the higher deductible plan effective December 31, 2020, or became a new participant anytime in the calendar year 2020, you will have the opportunity to move your coverage to the lower deductible plan in the Calendar Year 2021 by having a routine physical exam performed. Only the member needs to have the routine exam, there is no requirement for the dependent spouse to receive an exam.
An Exam Certification Form will be mailed from the Trust Fund office toward the end of November and is also available on the Trust Fund Website Please note that due to the National Emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Trust Fund office will accept electronic signatures in lieu of physically signed forms. Forms received in the Trust Fund office on or before February 28, 2021, will have deductibles reduced for claims incurred on or after January 1, 2021. Forms received on or after March 1, 2021, will have deductibles reduced for claims incurred starting the first of the month the form was received by the Trust Fund Office.
Scheduling a Surgery? Remember to Verify Benefit Coverages and that All Providers are In-Network
Having surgery is a stressful event and fortunately, the Plan covers a wide range of surgery benefits for our members. However, it is important to check that all your providers, not just your surgeon, are in-network providers under the Plan. An in-network surgeon may have privileges at an out-of-network hospital or surgery center, which are covered at a much lower level than in-network providers. You should not assume that the doctor is automatically selecting an in-network facility. You will save yourself money and give yourself peace of mind by taking the time to confirm that each provider and facility is in-network.
You can access the Blue Cross Provider Network online at or you can call directly at 800-810-2583.
HRA Debit Card Confirmation Letters – Why is the Trust Fund mailing these?
If you utilize an HRA Debit Card with your medical benefits, you probably have received a letter from the Trust Fund Office asking for additional information on services that were charged to the card. The question most asked about these letters is, “Do I really have to send the information requested to the Trust Fund office?”
The letter is known as a “substantiation letter” and is being sent by the Trust Fund office because the IRS requires the Welfare Plan to verify if all charges and purchases made using the HRA card were for an eligible medical expense (as defined by the IRS). Substantiation letters are not generated for all card transactions. They are usually generated when the amount that is paid through the card does not match the Plan information. Information that is being confirmed is:
• Service Date or Purchase Date
• Description of Service/Item Purchase
• Name of Provider/Merchant
• Claim Amount
As a participant in the Plan, you are required to complete the substantiation letter and provide documents that will confirm the information required by the IRS. In most cases, the Explanation of Benefits (EOB) from the medical provider or HMO will be enough information to fulfill the substantiation letter requirements. If you have any questions about the letters or what documentation needs to be provided, please call the Trust Office.
2020 Retiree Tax Information
The Trust Fund Office will be mailing the Pension Plan 2020 1099-R Tax Forms no later than January 31, 2021, to all retirees receiving monthly pension payments. If you have moved in the last year, please make sure your address is updated with the Trust Fund Office before December 31, 2020.
After January 31, 2021, the 1099-R Tax Forms will also be available on the Trust Fund website at and can be downloaded or printed directly from the website. If you don’t already have access to the website, creating an online account is simple and takes minutes to complete. Visit for details on how to create an account so that you can review your benefit information.
Reminder: Keep Your Personal Information Updated at the Trust Fund Office
Always remember to update your personal information as soon as possible with the Trust Fund Office. Life events such as marriage, divorce, or the birth of a child are time-sensitive and could cause problems with your benefits if you don’t take the required action. All forms are located at the Trust Fund Website at Call the Trust Fund Office at 800-635-3105 if you have any questions or need help completing the forms.
2020 Fund Information
Welfare Plan Actions during COVID-19 (COVID-19) Pandemic
It has been six months since the COVID-19 (COVID-19) changed how we go about our daily lives. During this time, the Board of Trustees of the Automotive Industries Welfare and Pension Plans have continued to monitor the impact of the pandemic and have continued to provide relief for the members and dependents who rely on the Plans for benefits.
Blue Cross
The Blue Cross Direct Pay Plan will continue to have all testing for diagnosis of COVID-19 covered at 100% (both In-Network and Out-of-Network) and In-Network COVID-19 treatment covered at 100% until the National Emergency is declared over.
The Trustees have also extended the Co-payment waiver whenever Blue Cross LiveHealth Online telehealth services are used. The Co-payment is waived for all treatment, not just relating to COVID-19.
For participants who have elected coverage in the Kaiser medical plan, please visit for information on how Kaiser is assisting participants during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Important Resources
• Resources for the Blue Cross Plan and the Kaiser Medical Plan can be found on the Trust Fund website at
• Visit the Center to Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for the latest information regarding the COVID-19 pandemic or the State of California webpage dedicated to COVID-19 at
Individual Account Retirement Plan–COVID-19 Distributions
For all participants in the Automotive Industries Individual Account Retirement Plan, as of April 1, 2020, if you have been diagnosed with COVID-19 by a test approved by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), have a spouse or dependent who is diagnosed with COVID-19 by such test, or if you have experienced adverse financial consequences as a result of COVID-19, you may be able to take a distribution not to exceed the lesser of (i) 50% of your Individual Account balance, or (ii) $100,000. This temporary COVID-19 Distribution is available from April 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020, in accordance with the CARES Act.
To apply you will need to certify in writing that you meet one of the following criteria:
• You are diagnosed with COVID-19 by a test approved by the CDC;
• Your spouse or dependent is diagnosed with COVID-19 by such a test; or
• You experience adverse financial consequences as a result of COVID-19 because you, your spouse, or a member of your household:
• was quarantined, furloughed, laid off;
• had a reduction in work hours, or closure or reduced hours of business;
• was unable to work due to lack of childcare;
• had a reduction in pay or self-employment income; or
• other factors as determined by the Secretary of the Treasury.
If you believe that you may qualify to take this distribution, you should contact the Trust Fund Office for an application at 800-635-3105.
Reminder: All Your Benefit Information Is Online
All your benefit information is available on the Trust Fund website: All relevant information regarding plan benefits is available at the website page.
If you are a participant in any of the related plans: Welfare, Pension, Individual Account Pension Plan or Michael J. Day, the Plan has created a personal account page containing your information that can be accessed once a “User Account” is created. If eligible, there is a downloadable application for benefits available on the website.
Your medical benefits during the Coronavirus (COVID-19)
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) and the global pandemic it created has impacted the participants in the Automotive Industries (AI) benefit plans in numerous ways. The Board of Trustees has taken steps to help participants under the AI Welfare Plan.
Blue Cross Direct Pay Plan
For Blue Cross Direct Pay Plan participants, effective for services received on or after March 18, 2020 and through the end of the emergency period in which the federal government has announced a National Emergency, the Fund will cover:
COVID-19 Testing – Covered at 100%
Diagnostic tests for COVID-19 from either an In-Network or Out-of-Network provider at 100% of the allowed charge, with no cost sharing to you or your dependents.
COVID-19 Treatment – Covered at 100% (In-Network Only)
Treatment of COVID-19 received from an In-Network provider at 100% of the allowed charge, with no cost sharing to you. This means that if a member receives treatment under a COVID-19 admission or diagnosis code from an In-Network provider during this time, the Plan will waive cost sharing.
In order to receive benefits at no cost sharing, you will have to receive treatment under a confirmed positive diagnosis of COVID-19, or have an inpatient admission for COVID-19, and your provider will need to use the correct codes for the diagnosis/treatment.
OptumRx – Prescription Drug Refills
OptumRx is waiving any refill-too-soon edits. This allows eligible OptumRx members to obtain early refills of their prescription medications if they have refills remaining on file at a participating retail or mail-order.
Blue Cross LiveHealth Online
Copayment Waiver for all Treatment.
Anthem Blue Cross LiveHealth Online
Anthem Blue Cross LiveHealth Online services will be provided with no cost-sharing for all treatment received. Please remember, LiveHealth Online is the Plan’s only provider for telehealth services where all cost sharing will be waived, except as otherwise provided for COVID-19 related tests and treatment, described above. Charges for any/all phone or online calls with another provider (In-Network or Out-of-Network), or any other services received where you are not personally examined by the provider will be covered at normal plan benefits (deductible, coinsurance).
Full information on the above benefit changes can be found on the Trust Fund website at
For participants who have elected coverage in the Kaiser medical plan, please visit for information on how Kaiser is assisting participants during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for the latest information regarding the COVID-19 Pandemic:
or the State of California webpage dedicated to COVID-19 at
Reminder: Looking for Former Pension Plan Participants
The Automotive Industries Pension Plan has approximately 2,000 participants over the age of 65 who are entitled to begin receiving their monthly benefit payment under the Plan but have not started the application process. If you believe that you or someone you know may be entitled to benefits under the Pension Plan, please contact the Trust Fund Office at 800-635-3105 and ask to speak with the Pension Department.
You may also view your pension benefit information on the Automotive Industries Pension Plan benefit website at The Plan has created a personal account page containing your pension information which can be accessed once a “User Account” is created. If eligible, there is a downloadable application for benefits available on the website.
About your 401K
If you looked at your 401K quarterly report for the quarter ending on March 31, you likely felt a shock at how quickly your retirement savings
could disappear. “The stock market cratered in March, decreasing by 14% in the first quarter,” says Area Director Don Crosatto. “However, we’ve seen a tremendous uptick in the last two months. As of June 4, the Growth Fund of America was down 15% in first quarter, but is now up 4% year-to-date. While other funds have not gone down or up quite so dramatically, as of June 4, most were down no more than 6%. Most of our members are invested in Target Date funds, which, at that time, were down at most by 2.4%, and many are even. Hopefully, when you look at your Second Quarter statement, you’ll feel some relief.”
Thank you for your patience
By Don Crosatto, Area Director
On a personal note, I’d like thank the members for their patience during this crisis.
When the pandemic suddenly hit and the Bay Area counties were the first in the state ordered to shut down and shelter in place, our Alameda County-based Trust Fund was forced to send its workforce packing. They closed their offices and put everybody to work on computers at home, in many cases that entailed buying new computers and needing to be very conscious of privacy and security issues. The process was a scramble, but it ultimately went very smoothly, and we’ve gotten no calls of complaint!
The vast majority of members that we’ve interacted with over the last few months have been patient, understanding the fact that it may take longer to get back to them, or we have to do business differently than normal. They’ve kept their good humor, which has made everyone’s life easier in a difficult time.
Because of wise planning at Trust Fund, we’ve had very few issues with people getting continuing coverage, and haven’t had any members lose coverage because they couldn’t get hold of the fund. Unfortunately, we did have a few employers who withheld payments, but we worked to straighten those situations out. Since the crisis started, all pension payments have gone out on time.
It may not be “business as usual,” but business is getting done.
Options to save you money for health services
Value-Based Pricing Program
There are wide treatment cost variations for elective outpatient procedures and other types of surgeries. The Value-Based Pricing Program was implemented on January 1, 2015 to keep out-of-pocket costs down to a minimum. (Note: This doesNOT apply to members with Kaiser plans.)
Under the Value-Based Program, the following elective surgeries have a dollar cap limitation when performed in a hospital rather than an Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC).
Colonoscopy = $1,500
Arthroscopy = $6,000
Cataract Surgery = $2,000
(The above pricing only pertains to surgeries performed in a hospital setting regardless of the hospital being in-network or out-of-network).
Hip and Knee Replacement surgeries will be limited to a maximum payment of $30,000 for a single hip joint replacement or a single knee joint replacement. The maximum included all inpatient facility costs. Professional fees (surgeon or anesthesia) are paid under a separate benefit.
If you are going to have any of the above procedures performed in the near future, please contact the Trust Fund Office for a list of the Value-Based Facilities or you can look up the facilities directly at
2019 Year-End Tax Forms
Below is a listing of the 2019 Year-End tax forms that were mailed out by the Trust Fund Office to qualified participants as of January 31, 2020, as required by law.
Automotive Industries Pension Plan – 1099-R
This form is distributed to all plan participants that are currently in pay status or retired in the calendar year 2019 under the Automotive Industries Pension Plan. In addition to mailing these forms, all 1099-R Forms have been uploaded to every retiree’s individual account on the benefit website and can be printed directly from the site. Visit for details on how to obtain a copy electronically. (The 2019 forms available through the website will be following IRS guidance and only provide truncated taxpayer identification numbers However, the complete identification number will be provided to the IRS. This action is being taken to reduce the risk of identity theft.)
Individual Account Retirement Pension Plan – 1099-R
This form is distributed to all participants who took a distribution from their Individual Account Retirement Pension Plan in the calendar year 2019.
Automotive Industries Welfare Plan (Short Term Disability) – Form W-2
This form is distributed to all plan participants that received Short Term Disability payments from the welfare plan in the calendar year 2019. This form will not include any additional payments
Automotive Industries Welfare Plan – Form 1095-B
This form is distributed to all plan participants who participated in and received medical and prescription drug coverage in the calendar year 2019. If you were a member of the self-funded medical plan, you will receive this form from from the Trust Fund Office. If you were a member of Kaiser, this form will be mailed directly from Kaiser. The 1095-B Form is being sent pursuant to the requirements of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
Please contact the Trust Fund Office at 800-635-3105 should you need any assistance receiving a duplicate a copy of any of the above forms. Consult your tax professional if you have questions about what impact any of the above forms will have on your tax obligation for the calendar year 2019.
Save Money on Medical Costs with the Self-Funded Blue Cross PPO Plan
Members that have medical coverage under the Self-Funded Blue Cross PPO Plan have many ways to save money when seeking medical care. These include:
Live Health Online:
The Blue Cross LiveHealth Online ( is a web based portal that can be used at anytime (including evenings and weekends) on any smartphone, tablet or computer that has a camera. You will receive a face-to-face visit with an in-network doctor through a private secure video. The doctors are authorized to provide a variety of treatment options, as well a prescribe medication for your condition that you can pick up at any participating pharmacy.
By using Live Health Online you only pay the office visit co-payment. There will be no additional cost associated with the office visit or treatment the when you use Live Health Online.
Option 2: 24/7 Nurse Line:
The Blue Cross 24/7 Nurse Line, 866-670-1565, is a 24-hour, 7-day a week, 365-day a year advice line that allows you and your eligible dependents access to a registered nurse at any time of the day to answer questions regarding evaluating your symptoms and medical conditions. This service can be used even if you already have a primary care doctor. The 24/7 Nurse Line will also help reduce the cost of your treatment by assisting you in finding the correct in-network treatment center if your condition requires additional treatment.
The 24/7 Nurse Line is a FREE service provided to you under the welfare plan. There is absolutely no out of pocket cost for you to use this service.
Short Term Disability Benefits
Did your employer negotiate into the Automotive Industries Short Term Disability Plan? If so, then you have coverage that will supplement any state disability or workers’ compensation payments you receive while you are out of work. The plan will cover up to 39 weeks of supplemental disability payments. You have up to 180 days from the date of your disability to apply for these benefits. An application for benefits can be printed from the Trust Fund website at or you can request one from the Trust Fund Office directly.
Reminder: Update Your Beneficiary
It is good practice to review your beneficiary information on file with the Trust Fund Office when you have a life event such as marriage, divorce or birth of a child. You can view your designated beneficiary on the Trust Fund website at If you want or need to change the beneficiary, the change form can be downloaded directly from the website.
2019 Fund Information
Know your Benefits – Employee Assistance Program through Managed Health Network (MHN)
The Welfare Trust Fund has contracted with Managed Health Network (MHN) to coordinate the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for the members of the Plan. The purpose of the EAP is to provide members with access to short term solution- focused counseling for a variety of issues that we encounter throughout life. Services that are provided through MHN are:
Short-term counseling
The EAP provides up to 3 sessions per individual per issue per plan period and you can choose face-to-face or telephonic or Web-Video Sessions. If your EAP counselor determines you need additional counseling services, he or she may refer you to counseling in your community. You would be responsible to pay for those services, but they might be covered or partially covered by your other medical insurance under the Plan.
Assistance with taking charge of your finances
Certified financial counselors help members overcome financial distress and meet their goals with telephonic assistance and referrals to professional services. Members are eligible for up to a 60-minute initial telephonic consult per issue with unlimited follow-up telephonic consultations. No limit to number of presenting financial issues. Access to online financial tools, calculators, worksheets and information are also available through MHN.
Tackling legal issues
A 30-minute telephonic or face-to-face consultation with an attorney on topics that include: personal and family issues, civil and consumer issues, real estate and estate planning. Also provided is access to comprehensive online resources including a full library of legal and financial articles, downloadable legal forms, and a variety of financial calculators.
Recovery from identity theft
Identity theft requires diligence, know-how and lots of time to recover from and your EAP can relieve much of that burden by providing participants a 30-minute free consultation with a trained fraud specialist. The EAP provides an Identity Theft Response Kit when the potential of identity theft has been determined. If you are plan member, you have access to all the services. If you have a spouse or domestic partner, they also have full access to the services. If you have a child under the age of 26 or a legal dependent, they also have full access to the service. Also, any person who resides in your household has full access to the service. You and your dependents do not share benefits; you each have your own set of benefits.
How to access this benefit
MHN can be contacted toll-free at 800-748-2559 or online at
(Choose Option: MHN EAP and enter Company Code: aiwfmap). When you call in, you simply provide some basic demographic information (name, DOB, address, etc.), and advise the representative that you are a plan member with IAM District Lodge 190. One of MHN’s representatives will then ensure that they quote the correct benefit information to you.
2019 Retiree Tax Information
The Trust Fund Office will be mailing the Pension Plan 2019 1099-R Tax Forms no later than January 31, 2020, to all retirees receiving monthly pension payments. If you have moved in the last year, please make sure your address is updated with the Trust Fund Office before December 31, 2019.
After January 31, 2020, the 1099-R Tax Forms will also be available on the Trust Fund website at and can be downloaded or printed directly from the website. If you don’t already have access to the website, creating an online account is simple and takes minutes to complete.
Visit for details on how to create an account so that you can review your benefit information.
Reminder: Notify the Trust Fund Office of Life Events
Members are responsible for notifying the Trust Fund when they experience a life event. Life events include: marriage, divorce, birth of a child, adoption and change of address. Enrollment change forms can be downloaded and printed directly from the Trust Fund website at
Plan Changes:
Bright Now! (Newport) Dental terminated effective September 1, 2019
The Plan has terminated the services of Bright Now! (Newport) Dental effective September 1, 2019.
If you are currently enrolled in Bright Now! (Newport) Dental and have not already made your new dental provider election, please do so immediately. You may elect any of the remaining dental options available to members, including: Delta Dental PPO, Safeguard, United Concordia Plus, or UnitedHealthcare Dental/Pacific Union Dental.
Please be advised that if you failed to make an election or otherwise fail to return a completed enrollment change form to the Trust Fund Office by August 31, 2019, you will be automatically enrolled in the Delta Dental PPO plan option. If you have any questions or wish to update your election, please contact the Trust Fund Office at (800) 635-3105.
Save Money:
Use the Blue Cross 24/7 Nurse Line — 866-670-1565
For Direct Pay participants, the Blue Cross 24/7 Nurse Line is a 24 hour, 7 day a week, 365 day a year advice line that allows you and your eligible dependents access to a registered nurse at any time of the day to answer questions regarding evaluating your symptoms and medical conditions. This service can be used even if you already have a primary care doctor.
The 24/7 Nurse Line will also help reduce the cost of your treatment by assisting you in finding the correct in-network treatment center if your condition requires additional treatment.
The 24/7 Nurse Line is a FREE service provided to you under the Welfare Plan. There is absolutely no out-of-pocket cost for you to use this service. The full cost of the service is paid for 100% by the Trust Fund.
Website Update:
Medical plan explanation of benefits now available online
Effective September 1, 2019, the Trust Fund Office will be posting all Direct Pay Medical Plan and Orthodontia claims information to a Member’s individual online account on the Trust Fund website at You will now be able to see all paid medical claims and orthodontia claims starting from the payment date of January 1, 2019, for you and your eligible underage dependents. As an added enhancement, you will now be able to download and print the Explanation of Benefits (EOB) for the claims paid after August 1, 2019 directly from your account page.
You can now check your claims account at your convenience 24 hours a day to see if a claim has been paid. There will no longer be a need to call into the Trust Fund Office to check and see if a medical claim has been processed by the Plan. For details on how to create an online account, please visit or call the Trust Fund Office at (800) 635-3105.
COBRA benefits and election time limits
As a participant in the Health & Welfare Plan you have the right to pay for and continue the exact same coverage you currently have for 18 months after you become ineligible for benefits.
You must make your election to continue benefits within 60 days of losing coverage. If you do not make an election for this coverage, you will not be allowed to continue your coverage.
For more information on COBRA, call the Trust Fund office at 800-635-3105 and speak to a representative.
Pension Legislation Update—Time to weigh in!
The Butch Lewis Act, Labor’s and the IAM’s legislative fix to our ailing pension plans, was passed out of the House of Representatives by a bipartisan vote of 264 to 169. Now, it is up to the Senate to vote so that we can get the job done to protect our pensions.
The Senate needs to act so that workers, retirees and their families can have the peace of mind that their pensions will be there when they retire. The Butch Lewis Act would create a loan program to allow failing pension plans, such as our Automotive Industries Plan, to borrow the money they need to put the plans back on solid ground. This will ensure that the plans can meet their commitments to retirees and workers for decades to come.
This bill would solve the pension crisis without cutting benefits that retirees and workers have already earned.
Write or call Senators Feinstein and Harris and urge them to support this legislation.
Senator Dianne Feinstein 331 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Phone: (202) 224-3841 |
Senator Kamala Harris 112 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Phone (202) 224-3553 |
Change in enrollment rules for newly acquired dependents
Effective April 1, 2019, a member who wishes to add a new dependent to their medical coverage must submit an Enrollment Change Form within 31 days of acquiring the new dependent.
Dependents include (for a full list, please refer to the Summary Plan Description):
• Natural children
• Stepchildren
• Legally-adopted children
• Children for whom a member has been legally appointed as guardian
• Children of an eligible domestic partner
Once the enrollment form is received by the Trust Fund, members will have an additional 60 days to provide the required backup documentation (birth certificate, marriage license, adoption paperwork, etc.) to the Fund Office.
During this 60-day extension, the dependent will be covered for all benefits. If you do not enroll your dependent(s) when they first become eligible for coverage, you may do so at a later time. In this case, coverage will begin the first of the following month, upon receipt of enrollment and required documentation. Enrollment change forms can be found on the Trust Fund website or by calling the Trust Fund Office at 800-635-3105.
Checking HRA balances: Now there is an App for that
If your medical plan has an HRA component attached to it, you have been able to track your account balances and transaction history through the online portal through the Automotive Industries Participant Website at by clicking on the “HRA Login” at the top of the home page.
Now, you can download the free HS&BA portal app from the Apple App Store. Type in “Automotive Industries HRA” in the App Store search bar to find the app. This is currently only available for iPhone users.
Glasses and contacts now available online
The Plan’s vision provider, Vision Service Plan (VSP), is now providing an online service to purchase glasses and contact lenses. The website is called Eyeconic and offers virtual try-on tools, all inclusive pricing on glasses and lenses, as well as free shipping and returns. Eyeconic also provides a lowest price match guarantee and additional savings on additional pairs of glasses. Visit to see if this service is right for you.
Hearing care program for AI Trust Fund participants
Automotive Industries Trust Funds participants and their dependents are eligible for hearing care discounts through HearUSA. Through the use of qualified, licensed providers, you will receive a comprehensive program that includes hearing assessment, evaluation for hearing aids, and a full range of quality products and services, including annual cleaning and maintenance of hearing aids at no charge for one year, 3-year warranty including one-time loss and damage (deductible varies), 2-year supply of hearing aid batteries, and savings of up to 50% off the cost of brand-name hearing aids, and more.
Here are the steps to get started:
1. Call 1-800-442-8231 and HearUSA will schedule an appointment. (Be sure to identify yourself as an AI Trust Fund member.)
2. HearUSA will verify eligibility and send you an appointment confirmation.
Discover how today’s NEW technology can provide you with better hearing solutions.
Call today to take the first step to better hearing: 1-800-442-8231 (8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time).
Reminder: Looking for Former Pension Plan Participants
The Automotive Industries Pension Plan has approximately 2,000 participants over the age of 65 who are entitled to begin their benefits with the Plan but have not started the process to apply for benefits.
If you are one of these individuals, or if you know someone who may be, you should contact the Trust Fund Office at 800-635-3105 and ask to speak with the Pension Department.
Reminder: Update Your Beneficiary
It is good practice to review your beneficiary information on file with the Trust Fund Office when you have a life event such as marriage, divorce or birth of a child. You can view your designated beneficiary in the secured area of the Trust Fund website at If you want or need to change the beneficiary, the change form can be downloaded directly from the website!
2018 Fund Information
2018 Year End Tax Forms
The Trust Fund Office generated and sent out the following 2018 Year End Tax Forms to qualified participants as of January 31, 2019.
- Form 1099-R (Pension Plan)
- Form 1099-R (Individual Account Retirement Plan)
- Form 1095-B (Welfare Plan)
- Form W-2 (Disability Plan)
If you require a duplicate copy of any of the above forms, please contact the Trust Fund Office at (800) 635-3105. Remember: the Pension Plan 1099-R Forms have been uploaded to every retirees’ individual account on the benefits website and can be printed directly from the site. Visit for details on how to obtain a copy electronically.
Health Plan – New HRA Cards
The Plan has recently changed the design of the HRA cards to reflect the change in the Third-Party Administrator to Health Services & Benefit Administrators (HS&BA). The updated card will be white in color and have the name of the Welfare Fund and HS&BA noted on the card. The new cards will be issued as the previously issued cards expire.
If you need a new card or have questions about your HRA account, contact the Trust Fund Office at (800) 635-3105. You can also access your HRA account at any time online by visiting .
Short Term Disability Benefits
Did your employer negotiate into the Automotive Industries Short Term Disability Plan? If so, you have coverage that will supplement any state disability or workers’ compensation payments you receive while you are out of work. The Plan will cover up to 39 weeks of supplemental disability payments. You have up to 180 days from the date of your disability to apply for these benefits. An application for benefits can be printed from the Trust Fund website at or you can request one from the Trust Fund Office directly.
Reminder: Update Your Beneficiary
It is good practice to review your beneficiary information on file with the Trust Fund Office when you have a life event such as marriage, divorce or birth of a child. You can view your designated beneficiary in the secured area of the Trust Fund website at If you want or need to change the beneficiary, the change form can be downloaded directly from the website!”
AI offers help for hearing loss
Hearing loss impacts approximately 15% of the American adult population; the number of people with a disabling hearing loss increases as we age with over 25% of those age 60-74 and 50% of those over age 75 who would significantly benefit from hearing aids.
Warning signs for hearing loss are often observed first by the communication partners of those with the hearing loss. The person experiencing hearing loss often may believe those around them are simply mumbling. You can watch for these signs of hearing loss:
- You prefer the TV/radio volume at a level higher than others prefer,
- Difficulty understanding children’s or women’s voices,
- Increased difficulty hearing in small groups,
fatigue following large social situations, - Ringing or buzzing noises in quiet situations, or
- No awareness to alarms (refrigerator door alarm, timer beeps, phone ring, doorbell) until you are close to the source.
When you notice these or other communication challenges, take the time to obtain a hearing screening.
Depending on the degree and type of hearing loss, several treatment options are available, such as auditory rehabilitation, counseling, education, assistive listening devices, and hearing aids. Your hearing health provider is best trained to collaborate with you and identify the best options for your unique communication needs.
Automotive Industries Trust Fund members are entitled to a broad range of hearing aids from over 10 different name brand manufacturers all at a low discounted rate. All services are included for the first year at no additional charge. Hearing aids come with a 3-year warranty and 1-year supply of batteries. In addition, members receive a 10% discount on purchases of assistive listening devices such as amplified telephones and products on
To schedule an appointment please call (800) 442-8231.
Pension Crisis Legislative Update
By Jim Beno
District 190 Directing Business Representative
The Congressional Joint Select Committee on Solvency of Multi-Employer Pension Plans released a statement committing to continue their work past their November 30 deadline to solve the multi-employer pension crisis.
The Committee was formed to find solutions for pension plans facing insolvency like our Automotive Industries Pension Plan.
The Committee issued the following statement: “The problems facing our multi-employer pension system are multifaceted and over the years have proven to be incredibly difficult to address. Despite these challenges and a highly-charged political environment, we have made meaningful progress toward a bipartisan proposal to address the shortcomings in the system and to improve retirement security for workers and retirees while also providing certainty for small businesses that participate in multi-employer plans. While it will not be possible to finalize a bipartisan agreement before November 30, we believe a bipartisan solution is attainable, and we will continue working to reach that solution.”
Among the topics the Joint Select Committee is reviewing are:
- changes to funding rules including the lowering of the discount rate affecting the plans’ long-term expected return on plan assets,
- changes to the funding standard account credit balance,
- asset smoothing rules, and
- the amortization period for paying off a plan’s liabilities.
Other areas being discussed include improving the Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation’s (PBGC) overall funding. This is the government agency that was established to insure the benefits of retirees should their pension plan become insolvent. This proposal increases PBGC funding by increasing funding contributions from all pension plans, employers and unions, and even by charging retirees of non-green zone plans.
May of the proposals being considered, while helping those plans such as our Automotive Industries Pension Plan, would also put a heavier financial burden on plans that are not facing impending insolvency. As the Committee stated in their official news release, the problems facing our pension plans have proven to be incredibly difficult to address.
We in the Machinists Union are committed to continuing to reach out and assist the Joint Select Committee in its efforts to resolve this impending crisis.
2018 Retiree Tax Information (Pension Plan)
The Trust Fund Office will be mailing the Pension Plan 2018 1099-R Tax Forms no later than January 31, 2019 to all retirees receiving monthly pension payments. If you have moved in the last year, please make sure your address is updated with the Trust Fund Office before December 31, 2018.
Beginning in 2019, the 1099-R Tax Forms posted to each member’s online account no later than January 31, 2019 and can be downloaded or printed directly from the website.
Creating an online account is simple and takes minutes to complete. Visit for details on how to create an account so that you can review your benefit information.
Why you’re getting your HRA debit card confirmation letters from the Trust Fund
If you you utilize an HRA Debit Card with your medical benefits, you probably have received a letter from the Trust Fund Office asking for additional information on services that were charged to the card. The question most asked about these letters is, “Do I really have to send in the information requested into the Fund Office?”
The letter is known as a “substantiation letter” and it is being sent by the Trust Fund Office because the IRS requires the Welfare Plan to verify that all charges and purchases made using the HRA card were for an eligible medical expense (as defined by the IRS). Substantiation letters are not generated for all card transactions; they are usually generated when the amount that is pad through the card does not match the plan information. Information that is being confirmed is:
- Service Date or Purchase Date
- Description of Service/Item Purchase
- Name of Provider/Merchant
- Claim Amount
As a participant in the Plan, you are required to complete the substantiation letter and provide documents that will confirm the information required by the IRS. In most cases the Explanation of Benefits (EOB) from the medical provider or HMO will be sufficient information to fulfill the substantiation letter requirements. If you have any questions about the letters or what documentation needs to be provided, please call the Trust Office at (800) 635-3105.
For additional Trust Fund updates, visit page 3 of the Sparkplug.
Unions and employers seek solutions
The Congressional Joint Select Commit- tee on the Solvency of Multiemployer Pension Plans is currently holding hearings to address the need for a fix to the pension underfunding problem.
At a recent Committee hearing, Chris Langan, Vice President of Finance at United Parcel Service (UPS), which is one of the Automotive Industries Pension Plan’s largest contributing employers, laid out the severity of the problem and the need for Congress to take immediate action. Mr. Langan stated, “the multiemployer pension system is in a crisis from which it will never recover if Congress does not take immediate action.”
The current problem, as Langan laid out, is that most underfunded plans, such as ours, have significant negative cash flows. Simply put, our plans pay out much more in benefits each year than we collect from employers and investment returns. He also states that there is no workable fix that can be strictly funded through increased employer contributions or through cuts to benefits. He and UPS believe that a carefully designed loan program can save our pension plans without imposing undue hardships on retirees, employers, plan participants, the government or taxpayers.
The Teamsters Central States and United Mineworker pension plans, two of the largest pension plans that are projected to become in- solvent in the next five years, have confirmed that a loan program will save their plans.
Our Automotive Industries Pension Plan actuaries have also concluded that a loan pro- gram, such as that proposed by UPS, could not only save the plan from insolvency but re- turn the plan to full funding within 15 years. This seems to be the most reasonable option to save the underfunded pension plans.
The Automotive Industries Pension Plan has sent a detailed letter to the Joint Commit- tee outlining the history of our plan and the circumstances that created our underfunding. We underscored the critical need for a loan program and the urgency to take immediate action.
The Joint Committee has until the end of November to propose a fix to Congress. If you would like to send comments on your own personal situation and how this affects you, please address your letters to: 219 Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, DC. 20510
Under New Management
The Board of Trustees of the Automotive Industries Trust Funds (the Trust Funds) are pleased to announce that Charles Besocke has been retained to oversee the operations of the various Automotive Industries Trust Funds.
The Trustees performed an extensive search for this position and chose Besocke because he has over a decade of experience in managing and administering many different types of union benefit plans, including welfare, pension, defined contribution, vacation and apprenticeship.
Besocke will be working closely with the Trustees to improve the operations of the Trust Funds, as well as working with the local lodges to address member issues and concerns and provide information from the Trust Funds. Besocke is excited to be working for the Trust Funds and looks forward to assisting the members of District 190.
For members in the Direct-pay Blue Cross Medical Plan
The Trust Funds are providing are two options so that you have more choices to access medical treatment and advice without the need for an appointment.
Option 1: Live Health Online
Blue Cross LiveHealth Online is a web-based portal that can be used at anytime (including evenings and weekends) on any smartphone, tablet or computer that has a camera. You will receive a face-to-face visit with an in-network doctor through a private secure video. The doctors are authorized to provide a variety of treatment options, and may also prescribe medication for your condition that you can pick up at any participating pharmacy.
By using Live Health Online, you will only be responsible for the office visit co-payment. There is no additional cost associated with the office visit or treatment when you use Live Health Online.
Visit at:
Option 2: 24/7 Nurse Line
The Blue Cross 24/7 Nurse Line is a 24-hour, 7-day-a-week, 365-day-a-year advice line that allows you and your eligible dependents access to a registered nurse at any time of the day to answer questions regarding evaluating your symptoms and medical conditions. This service can be used even if you already have a primary care doctor. The 24/7 Nurse Line will also help reduce the cost of your treatment by assisting you in finding the correct in-network treatment center if you condition requires additional treatment.
The 24/7 Nurse Line is a FREE service. There is absolutely no out-of-pocket cost for you to use this service.
Call 24/7 Nurse Line: 844-437-0488
For more information, visit the Automotive Industries Trust Funds website.
Health and Retirement Benefits
If you are looking for information about your health and pension benefits, please contact:
Automotive Industries Trusts Funds
Health Services & Benefit Administrators
4160 Dublin Boulevard, Suite 400
Dublin, CA 94568-7756
Phone (800) 835-3105
Charles W. Besocke,
Fund Manager
IAM National Pension Fund
1300 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 300
Washington, DC 20036-1711
Phone: 1-800-424-9608